The agnostic philosopher actor, Brad Pitt, was working hard last week walking the red carpet to promote his new movie The Big Short, which he also produced. From IMDB the movie is about “four outsiders in the world of high-finance who predicted the credit and housing bubble and decide to take on the big banks for their lack of foresight and greed.”
He also has some also had some “words of advice” for voters in the upcoming presidential election. “Don’t be so emotional,” he cautioned. “Don’t see the world from our own backyard. Understand everyone has self-interest and that we are now in a community. We are not an island and we don’t always know best so let’s check ourselves.”
“Let’s check ourselves?” What is he referring to? The Syrian refugee crisis? Newsbusters claims that Pitt was referring to the American people to stop being so closed-minded about the foreigners in their panic after the Paris attacks. Americans somehow think they’re an island of xenophopic egotists.
So let’s look at how Pitt takes care of his “self-interest” shall we? I carry because I can’t afford to travel with a big bodyguard (or several of them), as the Pitts typically do, all over the world.

And looks to me that the Pittts have PLENTY of room to welcome some refugees:

Château Miraval, owned by the Pitts
The Pitts own this wonderful chateau and vineyard, located in France. Their chateau has 35 rooms and is surrounded by gardens with a moat, fountains, ancient aqueducts, a pond and a chapel. Plenty of room for the “women and orphan” refugees to run around and relax. Or is his chateau “an island”?
But I’m sure Brad knows best. Typical Hollyweird elitist hypocrite.
h/t Newsbusters