Art & Design Magazine

Brabbles & Boggitt Panel Re-do

By Karl @cartoonistdiary
Last weeks Brabbles and Boggitt had a slight change. It wasn't one that you would've been aware of as by the time you saw it, the correction had already been made.
Let me explain: I've already finished drawing all the pages for the present Brabbles & Boggitt tale, but when I came to post page 35 I wasn't happy with panel number two---the one with the Trolls in. So I re-drew it.Brabbles & Boggitt panel re-do
Brabbles & Boggitt panel re-do
But having re-drawn the panel it occurred to me that you would have no idea what had happened. So for the case of harmony, and those who are interested in the whole 'back-room thing', I've posted below a before and after, just to see what you think.
The other reason why I've shown you this post is I have also identified three more pages that need a re-vamp, but rather than give a whole post over to each one I'll be doing the before and after panels below the published page in question.
So keep coming back every week for the regular Brabbles & Boggitt updates and see what I do in the name of your entertainment.
New to Brabbles & Boggitt? click here and start reading from the beginning.
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