Destinations Magazine

Bountiful Harvest...

By Alternativeeden @markngaz
We wrote once before about Bountiful Harvests that are only fit for the bin, last time it was about the grapes on our vine over the bottom patio. This time it is something far more annoying...

Sycamore seedlings.... Arrrrggghhhhh

The large old Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanusat the bottom of the garden featured recently in a blog when we cut it back, but it seems it knew what we were planning and got its revenge last autumn...

Bountiful Harvest...

For this year we have had literally hundreds, and probably thousands of small sycamore seedlings, and if we don't get them out then they will soon take over.

Bountiful Harvest...

We always get quite a number to remove, but for some reason we got so many, we were not sure why? Perhaps it was the late start to spring kept the area brighter as the various shrubs and over herbaceous plants were late in coming into leaf and gave the seeds more light to help them germinate.

Bountiful Harvest...

Bountiful Harvest...

Bag of bounty

Whatever the reason its blooming annoying! but with many of the branches removed that were over hanging this part of the garden maybe we won't get the same number next year.

Heres hoping anyway!


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