My boundaries of reality (or my perspective) have expanded to include All things. All things are possible, sacred, true, deep, meaningful, perfectly timed, light and dark in unison creating a perfect balance and unity, all rooted in, created by, surrounded by, contained within and without, by, through, and because of LOVE. We are the embryonic vessel sharing the love of the divine, the love of this life, the love of the beyond, and of the self all at the same time. Love transcends all boundaries and unites all.
Forcing myself to have boundaries led me to this realization! When it comes to the perspective of boundaries of reality, we can see that when rooted in love, the love that connects All, we make decisions inherently based on self protection. Love with others and the self equals boundaries because this is love.
What of Love of the land? Ah! Here again, boundaries, we cannot rape what we Love. Love of the divine? Time for sacred worship and prayer, sacred boundaries of solitude and introspection. Love of the ancestors? By doing right by them, boundaries of intention to honor and respect. Love of future generations? Boundaried actions preserve and protect All for them. Love is Love with and because of boundaries made and rooted in what?
L O V E! ❤️