{by} Sasha
Recently, a girlfriend of mine tried Botox…and loved the results. At first blush, I couldn’t put my finger on anything in particular other than the fact that she looked great (really, really great). She sheepishly told me she’d decided to win the battle against her crows’ feet and fine lines via Botox, and, to my utter surprise I couldn’t believe how amazing and natural her skin looked (emphasis on “utter surprise” as I’m one of those who has a predisposition about Botox even though I’ve never tried it). I suppose I expected her to look like a cartoonish, plasticy version of the stereotypical celeb we see in the tabloids that can’t move a single area on their face (literally). You know the ones…whether angry, confounded, or happy – their expressions remain the same (I call it the uni-expression). To the contrary, my girlfriend looked, well, completely natural. The lines around her eyes and forehead were softened and slightly tauter, but weren’t so dramatically different that I would have been able to pinpoint anything out of the ordinary. Thus, I’ve begun to wonder if I should consider tackling the crows’ feet that surround my eyes like wrinkled gift-wrapping paper (minus the gift). But the thought of admitting it to my friends and family leads to sweaty palms and heart palpitations (another one of my hang-ups around this wrinkle banishing liquid is its taboo reputation). From pure vanity to frozen expressions, I decided to research the stuff and see if my assumptions are warranted.
Is Botox Taboo Or Trite?
I find there are two kinds of sentiments on Botox. It’s considered taboo by those who are anti Botox and trite (like any other ole’ beauty routine) by those who are pro Botox. The former group is against this wrinkle freezer for all kinds of reasons including the growing old gracefully thing, the no thanks on looking plastic thing, and the sheer, utter vanity thing. The latter group is the polar opposite and feels it’s not only preventative but also a must for staying on top of their existing (and unacceptable) wrinkles. This anti-wrinkle injectable certainly has plenty of negative assumptions surrounding it, starting with my own conceptions. I’ve heard of eyebrow raising (pun intended) things including Botox parties (whatever happened to Tupperware?), black-market Botox botch jobs, and overly zealous doctors who make the patient look “frozen” (while it is the holiday season, I’d rather not look like Frosty the Snowman for three months). Per my research, I must admit that some of my opinions were definitely unfounded (I suppose I’ll have to revise that old saying ‘eating crow’ to ‘eating crows’ feet’). Read on…
For the complete article, go to Botox: Taboo…Or Do? on GalTime.com! I’m thrilled to announce Crows’ Feet, Cupcakes, and Cellulite has joined GalTime.com’s Editorial Beauty Expert panel and is a regular article contributor!