“I am very surprised you didn’t consult with me before buying those” my husband says to me.

ADR for H&M Crotch Length Leather Boots worn with small child, triceratops and Wish silk tunic dress
He is not happy.
So intoxicated am I by the turquoise and gold box and the smell and feel of new boots that I stare at him.
“What do you mean?” I ask, genuinely surprised and puzzled.
“We have so many bills to pay, huge credit card debts to pay off. A $300 pair of boots is something that you should have talked to me about before buying, something you should have asked me if you could buy”.
I’ll not recount the rest of the conversation coz it wasn’t pretty and I don’t come out of it well.
Suffice to say, my main reason for spending $300 on a pair of boots was this: I fell in love with them and $300 is about half a week’s work for me.
For so long I have freecycled and thrifted and eBayed and vintage shopped that I have forgotten how good it feels to be able to buy something because you want to and you can.
It feels like freedom.

The next day my husband gives me a hug and says:
“Those really are beautiful boots“.
Crotch Length Boots by Anna Dello Russo for H&M. These would not have been bought had it not been for my fashionista-sista Cheryl Wischover who writes for Fashionista.com, Elle.com and over at her excellent blogs Upper West Side Style. See here for the rest of the story.
Dressember Day 26 – Seduce silk tunic dress via eBay.