Google Image Dictionary
I came across this story a little while ago and really liked the idea behind it!
What It's All About: 'London-based artists Heyes and West took the typical 21,000 words found in an average dictionary, and then ran every word through Google Images. They threw whatever the first result was for each word straight onto the page, giving what they describe as an 'unfiltered, uncritical record' of human culture in 2012.The result is a 1,240-page tome, printed out and bound together, with the Google logo embossed in gold on the front.'
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I would really love a copy of this book. Particularly because it is completely unedited and shows an interesting side of words and the internet in 2012.
'Ben West told the Creative Applications Network: 'I would estimate about half of the book is revolting medical photos, porn, racism or bad cartoons.
'It’s really an unfiltered, uncritical record of the state of human culture in 2012.'
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