Online virile.com dating columnist Dane Martin has no plans to give up his reign as bachelor extraordinaire. He has a reputation to uphold, especially with the upcoming release of his book Coming on Strong.
Holly Winters, everyone’s favorite girl next door, thanks to her blog of the same name, gives advice, but she doesn’t always take it. When she meets Dane Martin, every fiber of her being warns her to turn tail and run. Instead, she risks her future as an authority on relationships, jeopardizing her upcoming self-help book for women struggling to find commitment among the Virile sycophants.
Has the Girl Next Door tamed the most Virile man alive, or is she just another notch on the bedpost?
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.......................READ THE FIRST EXCERPT FROM Mr. Virile and the Girl Next Door by Gwen Hayes

“I’m not going to sleep with you, you know.” “I can be very persuasive, Holly.” He pressed a hand into her lower back firmly so that she felt, in detail, the state of his arousal.
He was thick and impossibly hard. That she caused his reaction was flattering and empowering, until she remembered that he was supposedly the most virile man in the city. This was what he did; he seduced women, making them feel good about themselves and weakening their defenses for self-preservation. Impressing them with his penis.
She shook her head. “I like sex too much to waste it on a throwaway night with you, Mr. Virile. Sorry.”
A momentary flash of confusion troubled his brow. He was not used to a challenge, it would seem, and probably most especially one about his sex appeal. “I guarantee you won’t feel like you wasted a night with me.”
“Oh, but I would. You see, sex with a stranger is mediocre, at best.”
“You obviously haven’t had great sex,” he countered.
She felt just sassy enough to press her breasts harder into his granite torso. “No, Mr. Martin, I’m afraid it’s you who hasn’t had great sex. You’re missing out on the next level. When you actually know and care about your partner, it’s…exquisite.”
Good God, there was a smoldering fire banked in those eyes of his. The promise of heat. Sex with him would be amazing, she was sure he was right about that. But neither was she wrong. When there was real intimacy, not just body parts and pheromones, sex was even better. She’d have to remind herself of that later when she was alone lamenting the lost chance she had at getting naked with a veritable sex god.
Holly broke the eye contact first, probably a sign of weakness, but it was getting too intense. This wasn’t just about her and her hormones. She had her readership to think about. Women who depended on her advice. If she couldn’t lead by example, she had no business leading at all.
“This has been entertaining, but I think it’s time for me to go.”
His hand pressed possessively into the small of her back. “This isn’t over, Ms. Winters. I intend to collect on my spoils of the hunt someday soon.”
“Oh, Mr. Martin, I promise you’ll find bigger, better game and forget all about me.”
But would she be able to forget about him?
......................TOP 10 SONGS FROM GWEN HAYES' PLAYLIST FOR Mr. Virile and the Girl Next Door

1. Dirty White Boy by Foreigner
2. Try by Pink
3. Love and Affection Def Leppard
4. Fooled Around and Fell in Love by Elvinn Bishop
5. Wild by POE
6. Suddenly You Are by Michael Grimm
7. Rooftops and Invitations by Dashboard Confessional
8. Nearly Lost You by Screaming Trees
9. Landslide by Smashing Pumpkins
10. Inside Out by EVE 6
Do you have a song that best describes how you feel about love right now? Share it below it in the comments.......................READ THE SECOND EXCERPT FROM Mr. Virile and the Girl Next Door by Gwen Hayes

He wasn’t thinking with his dick, and he wasn’t thinking with his brain, either, when he cupped her slight jaw in his hands and leaned towards her, desperate for a taste of this woman. Because he needed to know the flavor of her kiss.
He stopped a scant inch from her lips and looked into her eyes, searching for a red light or hopefully a green one. She didn’t pull back but she also didn’t give him the encouragement he was used to. He wasn’t sure what to do, and that thrilled him unexpectedly, too. He’d been getting what he wanted for too long, it seemed. She was going to make him work for it and everything in him knew she’d be worth the challenge.
..............ABOUT GWEN

Gwen Hayes lives in the Pacific Northwest with her real life hero, their children, and the pets that own them. She writes stories for teen and adult readers about love, angst, and saving the world.
Gwen’s first novel, Falling Under, was released in March of 2011 by NAL/Penguin and followed up by the sequel, Dreaming Awake, in January of 2012.
In addition to writing, Gwen is a freelance editor at www.fresheyescritique.com and is Editorial Director of Scandalous Books, an imprint of Entangled Publishingwww.entangledpublishing.com.
She is represented by Jessica Sinsheimer of the Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency.
Keep in touch with Gwen
..............READ THE THIRD EXCERPT FROM Mr. Virile and the Girl Next Door by Gwen Hayes

Dane tipped his glass and watched the amber liquid move with the motion. He was proud of his website and even prouder of his book, but suddenly it seemed…shallow. His life’s work and he was ashamed to admit it to this woman. “Dating advice for men.”
Holly sputtered, and her pink drink sprinkled the table. She quickly mopped up the mess with the cocktail napkin in one hand while covering her cough with the other.
“Uh…” he eloquently expressed. Idiot.
“I’m so sorry. And embarrassed. And wanting to die,” she said. “It’s just that…oh my God.” She shook her head.
It occurred to him that he liked the fact that she seemed so human. It seemed like all the women he spent time with were practiced, maybe even a little plastic if he thought about it too hard. This girl with a husky laugh and genuine imperfections like smile lines and freckles felt like a new frontier of some kind. Why did women try so hard to cover them up?
“You’re going to have to fill me in here, Holly. What has you so flustered?”
Smoothing the bodice of her dress, Holly tried very hard to repaint some poise over her composure.
“I just realized who you must be.”
Dane felt his eyebrows reaching for his hairline. “And who might that be, exactly?”
She downed the rest of the Cosmo in one gulp. “You, sir, are the antithesis of everything I hold dear.
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