But there are also some good things in Hayley's life: Devon, her crush, seems to be acting flirty, she found a good friend in classmate Meghan, and sometimes it seems like Marco (one of those long-standing friendships) is coming around.
Yet, things start going a little crazy in her life as Thanksgiving approaches, and her Dad announces they are going to meet his girlfriend's parents, tilting her world again.
Second Glance: I wasn't sure what to write as the summary for Taking the Cake because in some ways nothing much happens and if I tell you I kind of tell you the whole plot of the book. Basically, it continues where Save the Cupcake! left off as Hayley keeps narrating her life as she navigates middle school.
I loved every bit of it.
I really like Hayley, she worries and she's a good friend but she's not above some jealousy now and then or wanting things to stay the same. It takes her a while to appreciate good changes but she usually gets there.
In Taking the Cake, she grows up a little more, does things that she isn't sure of - with mixed results - and bakes a lot of cupcakes.
Bottom Line: Confectionately Yours is an adorable series and Taking the Cake a really nice adition to it! It works like just the best brain candy you could ever imagine and it's fun to boot, plus I love reading about Hayley's recipes for cupcakes.
Favorite Quote: "It might be a bad idea... but what good is a friend if she won't get behind your bad ideas?"