With all the wars waging on, killings and so much going on there wasn’t a moment where you could have stopped to contemplate what would happen next. And that is what makes the story worth reading. Mythology has an aura of its own and Rajiv has done a great job in justifying each and every character, plot and the situation where everything happens with such detail that simply puts him in an elite category.
Yes, the Devas are Gods, but to have shown the very human nature of Indra, in the book was simply amazing. I loved the prospect that Gods can even sometimes be like humans, who are clouded with prejudices, and to single out such instances is only possible when you have a heightened sense of creativity and imagination. This is one of the many qualities that singles out Rajiv from all other authors in this genre.
When I first started reading the story, I sincerely wished to have read the Book 1 of the series, as I got completely lost with so many characters being introduced. But as I carefully read the book, I got a better idea about the characters and their roles in specific. The pace of the story was good, it was full with twists and turns, making it an ultimate thriller of a story. Keep an eye on the “Blue One,” as you read the story as he is the single most influential character in the story. With the war raging on he will take matters into his own hands and will change the course of history once and for all.
Read the book to find out more about the Rakshasas and the mighty warriors, who will leave no stones unturned to save their land. Be prepared to relive the ancient battle. I didn't speak about the story as I didn't want to be a spoiler.
Let the storm rage on!
I received a copy of the book from WritersMelon.com in exchange for an honest review. Thanks a lot WritersMelon for giving me this wonderful opportunity.