Jack Cantwell has in 25 words or less, with each one of his haiku’s, provided ample opportunity for the reader to reminisce about wonderful events in your own life. The thoughts expressed in so few words have such profound meaning and impact that hours, perhaps days, perhaps weeks later you will experience something in your own life that gives you an “A Ha” reflection on the wisdom of Jack’s words.
The stories behind the haiku give you a warm insight into the man who authored this ingenious life’s reflection. The stories give you a frame of reference that propels you into the middle of the haiku and into Jack’s life. The haiku then becomes part of you because you have become part of Haiku and Jack’s own experiences.
As you read each reflection you will think back on moments in your own life when you have experienced similar life’s events.
Hi. Welcome to my world of word pictures. They represent selected random thoughts that span a period of almost twenty-five years, from my time in Japan to present day. The next version will include moments from before that time as well. Here’s a reading tip for maximum enjoyment: 1. Read the prologue for background. 2. Read the first aha moment. 3. Pause. 4. Read the next one. 5. Pause. 6. Keep repeating the process. This book has been published in a limited printing run for sharing with friends, family, and business colleagues. I hope you get the picture as you read. Some are written for humor. Some are simple observations of life. Others are either events that triggered expressions of faith or simply thoughts that popped up in my head. Thanks in advance for taking the time to read. I would appreciate feedback too.
My Review
Precise and excellent use of words to describe one’s thought. Emotions flow every now and then but before you remember what you have missed,, life presents you another thought to ponder upon. To be able to express your thoughts with precision and to be able to put people in awe is a work of elite category.
Jack Cantwell has done this job with subtle use of words drawing one’s attention to a particular moment, one at a time. So, many ideas pop-up but to do justice with the moments passing by, is a work of excellent craftsmanship.
While many of his poems are inspired from real life scenarios during his five years stay in Japan and his travel around the world, many of his poems are inspired from his life experiences at work.
His extensive research into a thought shows a lot of character and effort he has put into writing Haikus in his version of 25 words or less.
There were many instances in the book where I was completely lost in the thought that was expressed by Jack and wondered how did he formed such wonderful sentences. I was in complete “awe” and heard myself saying “wow”.
The instances that made me say “WOW” are:
“Going to church “Green mountains reflectedLooking for God in the pond and surprise rippled by ducks.finding myself” Scene seen from the train.”
“The lonely soldier “Bullet train passengersBefore deployment sit side by sidefinds a church. Sleeper. Reader. Dreamer.He feels a silent voice say Travelling in the same directionWhen you get there Living in different worlds.”I will be there too.Faith replaces fear”
One such poem that I liked the most is
Illiterate man works hardTo learn readingSo he can sing karakoreMotivation is a good thing,whatever may be the reason.The homeless man emptieshis pocketsAnd gives his $10.46 To another man walking for A children’s charity.Compassion has nothing to do with economics.
It is an exceptional thought. The smallest of action is better than the noblest of intensions.
If you haven’t read Haikus start reading from this book and you will be amazed by the poems that reflects one’s thought with a lot of precision.
A must read book and it deserves a 10 stars.
Read more about the book and the official review here at Online Book Club
About the author:
My name isJack Cantwell. By day, I do paid marketing for clients and pro bono marketing work for select charities and my church St. Mary’s, Lebanon, Pennsylvania.By night, I work at becoming a published author, when I’m not teaching a marketing or sales class for Elizabethtown College.I had this idea when my wife, Pat, and I lived in Japan from 1987 to 1991.
If I observe things and think thoughts, can they be expressed in random word pictures? That’s the concept of haiku, isn’t it? Can each thought be expressed in twenty-five words or less? Pure haiku is 17 syllables (too difficult for me), so I created my own rule of 25 words or less.
I tried it out. Each first attempt uses more than 25 words. The editing is part of the challenge and the fun.The next step was easy to decide. Like a good marketing guy, I wrote a sample book, had 150 copies printed, and gave them away to friends, relatives, business colleagues, and people who heard about it and asked for a copy.In return, I asked for feedback.The results were highly encouraging, which motivated me to take this project to the next level. This is what you’re reading now. The original work is still included, plus this introduction is longer. There are well over 60 new word pictures, and in response to requests, I wrote a new section of back stories.Thank you in advance for climbing aboard. Some of my sample readers called this poetry for the non-poetry reader; others observed that they were reading my autobiography in small bites.Remarks like that are woven into the motivation to keep going with the book. God has blessed me with a good life, and I’m pleased to open the door and invite you to be part of it through this medium, the haiku-inspired word pictures. The life connection has also inspired the title of the book.