The Deal: Maggie has spent her childhood being home schooled by her mom, the only girl and youngest of her clan. But it's time for her to join her three older brothers at a public high school and, even though she tries to play it cool, she's in for quite a shock.
And her brothers aren't really helping, her dad just got made into Chief of Police, and reeling from her mother's recently departure - she left the family - and has a melancholy ghost following her around.
But things do look up when she meets Lucy and Al and begins making friends with people not related to her.
My Thoughts: Friends With Boys was a cute, quick read. I actually didn't know it was a graphic novel until I started reading it but it was quite good. I'm not the biggest fan of the style, but then I'm more of a manga-girl, and I often find comic-drawing a little harsh and, in this particular case, a bit dark (in color scheme not theme per se).
Anyway, the story was rather nice, I really liked Al and Lucy and Maggie's brothers. I've never have brothers but their relationships seemed true and there were lots of funny moments. Oh, and you can see a sample of it at