Diaries Magazine

Body Image

By Latoya @latoyallawrence


Friday, May 12, 2006 at 10:07 AM EDT

I’m not self-conscious about anything when it comes to me. I really appreciate the things that i am blessed with. I like the way i look, i like how i talk, i like the way i think, i like the way i walk. and i like how i act. Everything about me is real, natural, and extraordinary!

I have a very slim figure. I love the shape and size of my body, and if nobody else does that is their problem. What does anyone else’s opinion have to do with me?

I listen to some people and how they are so obsessed with their appearance due to what they feel are society’s standards of how one should be displayed.

And, some people starve themselves to be thin by eating then intentionally vomiting up their food or by just not eating at all. Anorexia and Bulimia are quite ridiculous.

I use to be much heavier when i was in my early teens.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being solid or chubby if you are healthy. The reason i felt i had to get rid of the weight that i had is because my thighs started rubbing together and i’d run out of breath easily. But i don’t cut off my food supply to look a certain way. My metabolism has changed since then so i can eat whatever i want and don’t gain anything.

I do a lot of walking and my energy burns fat off.

But for those who’s food does stick to them rather quickly, so what? Who has the right to say extra meat on one’s bones is not attractive? I’d never compromise myself to be so-called “beautified” to anyone’s bullshit standards. As a black person i may be considered too skinny to some. A lot of black women’s trademarks are having huge behinds, thick thighs, and big hips. I’ve been there, it doesn’t mean a thing to me! I’m little now. I’ve had a little body for a long time now and i love it!

We have to be happy with ourselves and make ourselves happy.

No one can ever make me feel bad about myself because i love myself way too much. If someone doesn’t approve of the way you appear maybe they’re not good enough to be around you, and that goes for anyone- an associate, boyfriend, relative and whoever else!

When i style my hair i do it for me and not to impress people that i come into contact with on the outside. I’ll do my hair when i don’t go out! When i wear my clothes it’s to look good and decent for myself because i may like “my own shit”.

And when others do appreciate or compliment anything about you it can be cool but it shouldn’t be the most important because when you completely and genuinely are secure and approve of yourself anything that anyone feels about you-nice or nasty-won’t be of any deep “fazing”.


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