WHAT?! A Brand New Vegan PODCAST?

Ok, actually it’s a homework assignment, lol.
BUT…it gives me a reason to try out some of this new equipment I bought, and learn the software. And believe me, this has NOT been a walk in the park.
I thought making a video was time-consuming? HA! I had no idea there was so much to this.
- Media Servers
- Garage Band
- ID3 Tags
- Podcasting Plugins
- iTunes
Can I just go cook something instead?
Anyway, here is my very first practice run for all of you to laugh at I mean enjoy, and overall – I’m pretty happy with it.
I was actually surprised how natural I felt behind a microphone, and I’m REALLY looking forward to making this a regular feature of BNV!
BNV001 Podcast

So what’s in this episode?
Like I said, it’s really nothing more than me completing my midterm Blog Assessment. The whole thing lasts about 7 minutes.
That’s it.
As many of you know, I am taking a ‘blogging course’ through the “Elite Blogging Academy” taught by super-blogger Ruth Soukup.
You see, last year I won a ticket to a 3-day blog conference where I met Ruth – and knew instantly I wanted to take this course. Ok, truth be told I went into it wondering why I was there….meaning I was already blogging and doing fine – what could she possibly teach me…
Let’s just say, after it was all said and done – I felt very embarrassed by how much I had yet to learn and how many mistakes I had been making.
So beginning last September, I started this course and one of my first assignments was a “Blog Assessment”. In other words – “Where are you right now?”
I recorded that conversation in a video that I shared with some of you on my private FB Page.
And, after finally reaching the midway point of the course last week, my assignment was to redo that Assessment to see what (if anything) has changed. But rather than make another video, this time I decided to make it a “podcast”.
So that is what you’ll hear throughout the majority of this episode.
A very dry and boring session of me spouting out lots of numbers.
AND….you get to hear the actual voice behind the recipes, and what I envision the show format becoming.
And I REALLY like the idea of interviewing YOU!
- Your successes
- Your failures
- What has worked in losing the weight
- What hasn’t
- Your eating routines
- Your exercise routines
These might just mean the difference between someone giving up, or sticking with it.
Any takers? Anyone feel like putting THEIR voice out there with me?
Be sure and comment below.
Press the PLAY button (arrow) in the player below. You can also download the episode to listen later.
Looking forward to the next one!
