Fashion Magazine
You know what they say: One man's trash is another man's treasure, and in dealing with shopping secondhand first, I've found this to be so very true!
My love of vintage clothing means I scour my favorite thrift shops for items dating pre-1980s, and I have a special love in my heart for almost anything 1960s, and an eternal crush on a good bias cut dress from the 1930s. That doesn't mean I eshew the modern or contemporary- after all, not everybody can appreciate a good overblown 1970s collar, or want to look permanently retro/trapped in a time warp. Modern is good, but I think it especially good if that modern is a good garment made in the U.S.A.
So that's what my curated line is all about- quality and quirky, and classic. Well, I guess that is what my LIFE is all about too. I seek out beauty everywhere possible, including a bit of rubbish dropped by the way side. If it can be seen in a new perspective- and perhaps put to good (re)use, we all win. That's why I'm a little magpie and shamelessly take on items discarded by others, and if I can't use them myself, I try to find them a good home.
One day, I hope to start an artist collective that specializes in using materials from secondhand sources- I've been dreaming that dream for over a decade now. I desparately want to make this happen. Meanwhile, I've become a vintage/pre-loved re-seller. I collect and curate items that I personally love, and clean and mend them as needed, and offer them up for sale. It's hard work at times, and the pay isn't terrific, but I LOVE what I am doing.
My life, can be seen as a bit shabby, I suppose. I struggle to pay the bills, with not a lot left over for anything besides re-investing in my venture. But the payment in meeting kindred spirits and feeling good about what I do, is rich. I feel a bit like the debris seen in the picture above- am I a discarded thing cast off by the norm, or am I a bright and cheerful new form of flower blossoming in a messy urban landscape?
It's all the angle of your perspective I suppose. Here's to a blossoming future- for each of us.
Whatever your treasure, I wish you a rosebush of happiness to go with it.