TV & Video Magazine

Bloody Predictions: Week 7

Posted on the 21 July 2012 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

Bloody Predictions: Week 7With this coming weeks episode of True Blood “In the Beginning”, we here at ESL are heading into the second half of our very competitive game! Thankfully, we are not “bloodying” up each other… but you never know if the points are this tight as we head into the finale on 8/26.

Let’s see how well we did from last week, and how our scores changed. Which will be significant, since we have not seen totals since after week 4.

Evie will collect 13 points from her predictions for “Hopeless”. She was off on Hoyt being a part of the gang killing Supes. However, Evie has successfully won her challenge on her prediction of “Hoyt being an ass” and will be awarded full points. Hoyt… I am sensing a theme here. Hehehe, I kid.

Nymerias seemed to falter a bit on her week 6 predictions, gaining only 5 points for when the “Men in Black” arrived before Russell could bite Sookie. *In the Soup Nazis voice* No tre faerie for you! Nymerias was also successful with her challenge to the booth and gains more points from week 5′s iStake cliffhanger.

Erika was spot on and gains the full 15… showing us it’s not “Hopeless” in predicting the future sometimes.

As for me, I am taking 13 points because I was right that Eric would not be locked up at the end of the episode its the other half of my statement that is questionable. You know, the one where I said Eric will have a new mission that is either personal or via the authority. I will leave this in your hands on how I should be scored on that one.

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This leaves our rankings after 6 weeks as:

  • Evie = 74
  • B = 71*
  • Erika = 68* (points still pending from the week 2 challenge till end of the season)
  • Nymerias = 55

Now onward… let’s lock our predictions for In the Beginning!


  • Sookie’s powers will be regenerated by the fae as not having them will hurt her
  • Salome was involved with releasing Russell
  • Eric and Bill will be locked up.


  •  Eric & Russell will be fucking awesome.
  • We will find out Salome helped Russell.
  • Nora will finally get up off her knees.


  •  It will be revealed that Salome is a Sanguinista.
  • Russell will disappear after his scuffle with Eric.
  • Sookie will find out how her parents died.


  • Sookie will not be able to drain her powers without hurting herself
  • We will learn more about Salome’s sanguinista plans
  • Eric will get a way from Russel

I think we all have a chance in bringing in some points this week. How about you? How are your scores holding up for those playing along at home? Sound off below


Bloody Predictions: Week 7
Bloody Predictions: Week 7

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