Hair & Beauty Magazine

Blogmas Days 13, 14, 15 & 16

By Hollysbeautybox @hollysbeautybox
Hi loves!
I am so sorry for teaming four blogmas days together but I have been struck down with a horrible chesty cold which has left me coughing for hours on end, getting no sleep and crying over a sore head. Yup, shiz like that still happens when you're a blogger!
I'm also a bad sufferer so this has been a dramatic few days for me (queue panic attack in Carlisle because I felt dizzy, yup, really)
Anyways, I've been giving you all 'sick updates'on twitter just to add to the drama of it all LOL
Hope you're all having a wonderful festive December and I will be back to blogging blogmas as normal asap!
Please leave me lots of at home cold remedies because that's how I roll.
Love always
Holly xxxxx

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