It is officially Christmas Eve and I'm so flipping happy to see the happiest time of the year. This year has been full of highs, lows and extreeeme lows which I am really happy to see the back of.
Despite the fact that I'm a little bit bitter about how 2015 has been, one thing is fo' sho' and that is that I am really blessed to have a healthy, happy life. I almost didn't write that there because I've gotten into the 'what can go wrong next' mode where I'm just waiting for something bad to happen. I'll go into a lot more detail about the year itself and my hopes for 2015 in my New Years post.
Christmas is all about giving, believing that things can get better and hope for the future. Not to forget remembering how blessed we are in life.
The fact that I have my family here, we're healthy and happy is literally the greatest Christmas gift I could ask for.
I know a lot of you will be wondering why I'm writing this today rather than tomorrow and the answer is simple.
Sometimes as adults it's easy to loose the magic of Christmas and feel as though it's just another day for the kids, but Christmas is magical for every single person. I thought I'd write this today to make YOU realize how blessed you are.
I will be spending the day with my family today, tomorrow and probably the next day for Christmas festivities and I plan to enjoy and savour every single moment because not just 4 months ago, I didn't even know if my mom was going to be here with us. Thankfully she is doing great but don't ever forget to stop and remember how precious life can be.
All my love and Christmas love
Holly x
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