Anyone who knows me will know that I am obsessed with Christmas and so being called Holly is pretty apt - LOL!
I'm attempting Blogmas. It doesn't seem difficult to a lot of people to post everyday about something festive but somehow, I always let life and other work related stuff get in the way so I'm making a vow to see Blogmas 2017 through!

Today I'm catching you all up on what has been happening with me recently and what I have coming up.
I went on Holiday!
This year's holiday was spent in Florida and New York with my lovely family (us four sisters, mum, dad & Nana). It was genuinely an unforgettable experience and I had an absolute blast from start to finish. We went to Florida first which is somewhere I hadn't been before. I was a bit sceptical if I'm honest. 30 degree heat in November seemed weird to me. I'm not really a harry potter or theme park fan which makes me sound like a complete snore, but I LOVED it. We literally had the best time on holiday - although a squirrel bit my finger after I fed it - rookie mistake! My nana thought the fact that it literally bit the hand that fed it, was the funniest thing in the world. She laughed for a week haha!

I'm working with some amazing brands!
I've been really lucky throughout 2017 and have worked with some incredible brands but in November and December, you can expect to see collabs with Feel Unique, House Of Fraser, Charlotte Tilbury, Bobbi Brown, Yours and Simply Be.

I'm ill!
Since coming home, I've been really ill! I have this awful cold & chest infection and a tooth abscess which has made my face swell up like a balloon. I've had very little sleep this week and I'm really feeling pretty sorry for myself. Just saying.
H x