Fashion Magazine

Blogging | Let's Talk... About Blogging Up North

By Megan Lillie @meganjanelillie
Let's Talk About Blogging Up NorthI started blogging pretty clueless. I knew nothing about the blogging community, nothing about press samples, nothing about blogging events. Nothing. So is it hard to blog up North?
Basically, no. It's not hard to blog up north, but it is just a completely different kettle of fish. I would go as far to say that really, it is not 'hard' to blog anywhere. All you need is some type of internet access, a head full of content and ideas then whoosh, away you go. At first I didn't notice a thing, I typed my little heart away at my laptop on my bed, snapped products on top of my dresser and squealed with giggly delight when my first ever brand got in touch to collaborate! Little did I know, this blog would take off as it did and become a little business for myself... But OMG, I NEED TO MOVE TO LONDON.
I don't. There are some absolute fantastic reasons for blogging up North, especially in the North East. First and foremost, the community is second to none. Northerners are renowned for being super-friendly, welcoming and light-hearted people (most of us, anyway!); & well, the community is just that. The North East Bloggers Facebook group I made now has almost 250 members and is a great place for bloggers alike to meet and connect with one another. Events do occasionally happen and when they do they are fantastic, they make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside being able to meet and chat with such fantastic people.
But am I limited? Does living up here hinder my blogging experience?
I get emails on a weekly basis asking if I'm available to 'pop down' to a product launch in central London, or come for Afternoon Tea with a brand to chat about what's new with them. 95% of the time, I have to politely decline, wrap up in my dressing gown and sob in the corner. Unless a brand offers to subsidise travel, or I feel like it is something I will hugely benefit from, I can't afford to fork out £100+ for a return train ticket to London. Poor student and all that jazz. I can't help but watch via social media, bloggers meeting up constantly, becoming best friends and have a grand ol' whale of a time. I'm genuinely jealous and I'm not afraid to admit that.
I often think of the future, and whether I will make the big move or not. If you had asked me a few years ago whether I wanted to live in London I would have said yes in an instant, but now the times have changed slightly. The ever-rising prices of living in London completely puts a spin on my mindset, what you can get up North for an average monthly rent down South is ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. If I'm honest, I'd love to make it successful as a blogger and still live up North, who knows - it may even give me an edge?
So there are definitely pros and cons of living up North as a blogger. As I grow I am determined to make it work and help in growing and interacting with the whole community. Are you a Northern or Southern blogger? Do you notice a difference? Let me know in the comments below - I'd love to know your thoughts on the matter!
Megan. xoFacebook  - Twitter - Instagram - Bloglovin - YoutubeCheck out my February advertiser - Saint Boutique!*Some posts may contain PR/Gifted samples, please read my disclaimer here for further information*

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