TV & Video Magazine

Blogcritics Review of True Blood Episode 6

Posted on the 06 August 2011 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

Blogcritics Review of True Blood Episode 6

The Blogcritics have shared their thoughts on True Blood Episode 6, I Wish I Was The Moon. We thought you might be interested in reading what they had to say about Eric and Sookie!

This is what they said below;

At first, it seems shocking that Bill will pass up a chance to execute Eric, considering how they have never gotten along. However, upon reflection, there are a number of reasons he might be inclined to do so. For one, Eric’s defiance and ability to stir up trouble is currently gone. Left in its place is a very strong, one thousand year old vampire who is very willing to obey Bill’s orders. As such, Eric could be a formidable tool for Bill, and one not easily tossed aside. Secondly, if Bill does really care about Sookie, and want her to be happy, this Eric is making her such. Either motivation is enough to justify Bill’s actions.

Blogcritics Review of True Blood Episode 6

Credit: badthingscaps.tumblr

Because of the new Eric, Sookie is closer to happiness than ever. Fans of the book series know it didn’t last then, and there have already been hints dropped in True Blood that it won’t last now. This is unfortunate, but necessary to move the story along. While she has something good, she should enjoy it. Bill’s betrayals cut her very deeply, a pain she will not soon get over. If Sookie were to be with almost anyone else, she would be risking the same again. The way Eric currently is, he in incapable of deceit and unkindness towards her, and so she is able to feel safe with him. It’s a well-deserved reward for all that she puts up with.

Skarsgård is doing a pretty great job of capturing the two Erics. While at times he does slip back a little too much into the cadence of previous Eric, for the most part, the actor is really creating a new character, as the writers intend. Without memory, it may be assumed that Eric is boiled down to the base person he was before his vampire life. Which goes to show just how much choices and actions can corrupt and change an individual. This reveals a very tragic tale for the Sheriff.

I love what they say about Eric and Alexander’s performance!

If you would like to read their entire review, please click  here!

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