Fashion Magazine

Blog Everyday In June Day 7

By Nikki Sumner @gamergirl0621
Blog Everyday In June Day 7
I feel I should start this post with an apology as I failed on the blogging front and didn't do a post yesterday! To be honest I wasn't in a great frame of mind so decided to take a step back but today is a new day so here we go!!
Day 7 and the theme is a haul.
I was worried about this one as I hadn't really bought much that I could blog but then I remembered I had bought some new glasses so I have decided to share these!!
Blog Everyday In June Day 7
I am a sucker for drinking glasses and these are some of my recent purchases!! The plastic milk bottle and straw is from Home Bargains and was 99p!! It was just too cute resist.
The wine glass was also from Home Bargains and was an incredible £1.99 so I actually bought two of these. My husband is very fussy about his wine glasses but even he loved these!!
I succumbed to the trend for mason jars and bought two from Ebay which did come with paper straws but these have since been used and thrown away! My husband thought I had lost the plot but my son loves them!
Roll on summer so I can sit in my garden with my mason jar sipping a nice cocktail!!!
Blog Everyday In June Day 7

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