Lifestyle Magazine

B.liv by Cellnique Review and Voucher Code

By Maddy1704 @unstitchedd
b.liv by cellnique Review and Voucher Code
b.liv by cellnique Review and Voucher Codeb.liv by cellnique Review and Voucher Code
b.liv by cellnique Review and Voucher Code
I know this is the second skincare post in the row, I hope you forgive me but I couldn't wait to share with you these beauties that I have been using on my skin recently. It has improved so much recently and I am really putting down to the introduction to these products into my routine. b.liv is quite a new brand, belonging to cellnique who I have heard lots about before and do amazing products. They are based in Malaysia and aim to improve the skin of teenager's giving them more confidence in their everyday life. I really love the idea behind the name of the company too, the name “b.liv” is not just a contraction of the word “believe” but also a union of the words “be” and “live” aiming at forming a life style motto that encourages b•livers to “live the moment. I think that this is a lovely idea, and something that really applies to teenagers. The first product I tried was the moisturiser, Soothe and Splash*, I use it day and night and I really love the way that it leaves my skin hydrated, without leaving it greasy or shiny. I also really love the hygienic pump on the bottle, and the general packaging of the product. After using the moisturiser, I apply the wonder serum, Off with those Heads* on top. First off, I love the name and it is something that definitely lives up to the product inside. On applying, a slight tingling feeling can be felt, but it isn't too harsh or unpleasant, then black lines appear over your face. Presumably this is the dirt leaving the pores, a little disgusting but very satisfying at the same time! As I don't suffer from blackheads, I can only imagine what this would do if you had them! Another great thing about this product is that it really shrinks spots and reduces the redness without drying out the surrounding skin, something I have always struggled with spot products. On a weekly basis, I also love to use masks on my skin to keep them hydrated and looking nice. However, I have never really branched out from your average mud mask, and definitely never tried a sheet masks. I have to say, I really enjoyed the experience as it was a lot easier to get the mask on and off and left a lot less mess everywhere. For those of you who don't know, a sheet mask is a mask almost like a sheet of paper cut out to the shape of a a face that is then soaked in liquid to provide you with the goodness. They are particularly renowned in Asia so I was really looking forward to these two, Utmost Moisture* and Sensitive Salvation*, in terms of results, I didn't feel like they made that much of a difference to my skin, maybe a bit more moisturised but nothing more than using a nourishing moisturiser. It's a shame, but with the haul I got there was bound to be something that I wasn't so impressed by! All in all, pretty amazing results I have to say, and perfect for my skin type, I think they achieved their aimB.liv is available to buy online here , they offer free shipping so no need to worry about expensive customs fees, and they are offering a 30% discount to everyone using the voucher BLG30K , I hope you all try them out! 

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