Star gate. Milky Way Galaxy (Sagittarius Arm), Sagittarius and Ophiuchus. Mirador , log10Astronómico de Sicasumbre, Fuerteventura, July 2024. Picture shot facing South from 28°17’17.0″N 14°09’35.2″W
Who are we? We find that we live on an insignificant planet of a humdrum star lost in a galaxy tucked away in some forgotten corner of a universe in which there are far more galaxies than people. This citation from the American astronomer, planetary scientist, and science communicator Carl Sagan should promote astonishment, curiosity and devotion, rather than discomfort. Because, citing Sagan a second time, for small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love.
Night or day? Pegasus, Delphinus, Equuleus, Aquila (partial) and Scutum above the full moon of Lanzarote, July 2024. Picture shot facing East / South East from 28°50’37.9″N 13°46’53.4″W
“Blick durch” pictures were shot in Summer 2024 on the Canary islands Lanzarote and Fuerteventura. Taking the opportunity of a family caravan holiday, the photographer Lorenzo Borghi (, member of the Astrophotographic group of the Swiss Astrophotography Association (, captured night landscapes at sea level and at the astronomical lookout of Sicasumbre.
Halos. Corona Borealis, Boötes (partial), Ursa Major (partial), Draco, Ursa Minor, North Star and Cepheus. Mirador Astronómico de Sicasumbre, Fuerteventura, July 2024. The light tower of la Entallada in the right corner. Picture shot facing North West from 28°17’40.4″N 14°11’15.8″W
For each location, depending on the demanding weather conditions (wind, clouds, rain and sand) 20 to 60 pictures were taken, at high ISO sensitivity (3200) and short exposure time (4 to 6 seconds). A full frame DSLR camera mounting a 14 mm wide, fast lens (f/1.8) targeted the four cardinal points for each location. Removal of bad frames (airplane and satellite trails, car lights, UFOs and so on), post-processing and stacking performed with Light Room, Capture One Pro and Siril software.
Lights above and below. Canes Venatici, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Cepheus and Cassiopeia above Camping Papagayo, Lanzarote, July 2024. Picture shot facing North / North West from 28°50’43.7″N 13°46’58.4″W
Open from October 5 to October 13 at Obere Mühle Dübendorf, Oberdorfstrasse 15, 8600 Dübendorf. This is part of a collective exhibition, together with the artists Enrico Martinoia (pottery) and Katrin Blaser (drawing)
Vernissage on October 5, from 3pm to 9pm
Sunday open: 11-17
Wednesday to Saturday: 15-20
Monday-Tuesday: closed