Blandford Hill Wind Farm- Planning Application Submission
The Planning Application for the Blandford Hill Wind Farm (near Winterborne Whitechurch) has been submitted by the developers REG, and the consultation process has begun. If you would like to participate and support the proposal we have further information below:
Application Number: 2/2014/0768/PAEIA
Case Officer: Stephen Clark
Tel: 01258 454111
Planning application & supporting document – Click Here
or – (and search for the application number)
To comment online: click here
To post: Stephen Clark, Case Officer, Development Services, North Dorset District Council, Nordon, Salisbury Road, Blandford Forum DT11 7LL
To contact your local councillor & others
Tel 01258 454111 or visit:
Abbey Ward(Blandford Hill’s) District Councillors:
Jane Somper: [email protected]
Emma Parker: [email protected]
North Dorset MP Bob Walters [email protected]
Constituency Office: The Stables, WhiteCliff Gardens, Blandford Forum, DT11 7BU
Tips on writing letters or online comments
1. Remember to include planning application reference number and your address
2. Pass this on to people you know and have supporters in your household have their say separately. Same email address /envelope is fine.
3. Look at the planning application and supporting documents-at the link above or council offices
4. Include factors the planners will take into account beside the Local Plan- national policies, other local plans, evidence or research, evidence of public’s views. Called “material considerations”
5. Refer to the public interest
6. Point out that this is a temporary planning application for the 25 year lifetime of the wind turbines.
7. SAVE what you write and use it to contact your local councillor, the Abbey Ward councillors, the MP…..
8. Do It – better a quick comment than none at all. Public consultation is on til mid-August but late
submissions are likely to be accepted for a while.
Info planners are guided by:
The Draft North Dorset Local Plan 2011-2026
National Planning Guidance on renewable and low carbon energy