The baby-killing abortion mill that calls itself Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger, an eugenicist.
Eugenics is the belief and practice at improving the genetic quality of the human population through the promotion of higher reproduction of people with desired traits, and reduced reproduction of people with less-desirable traits.
In July 2009, in a Sunday New York Times interview, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said:
Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe [v. Wade] was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.
Now, an investigative report by the pro-life organization Live Action reveals the same eugenic racism also animates Planned Parenthood.
Although the abortion mill is vocal about “Black lives matter” and condemns white police officers in Ferguson and elsewhere for allegedly targeting and killing unarmed blacks, Planned Parenthood gladly accepts donations specifically earmarked for the abortion of black babies.
An undercover investigator from Live Action called four Planned Parenthood (PP) offices — in Idaho, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Ohio — posing as a potential donor. In each bone-chilling call, he made his anti-black sentiments very clear. In each case, the PP representative enthusiastically told him PP would earmark his donation to specifically abort black babies.
As you read the transcripts of those phonecalls, just remember the subject is the deliberate KILLING of human beings, albeit tiny human beings. Then ask yourself how Planned Parenthood is any better than Nazi German holocaust.
The following is the transcript from Live Action’s audio tape of the call between the “donor” and Autumn Kersey, director of development of Planned Parenthood of Idaho.
Sound of phone ringing . . . .
PP: Good afternoon, this is Autumn.
“Donor”: Hello, Autumn. I’m interested in making a donation today.
PP: Fantastic!
Donor: What about abortions for the underprivileged minority groups? I want to specify that abortion to help a minority group. Would that be possible?
PP: Absolutely
Donor: Like the black community for example?
PP: Certainly
Donor: OK. So, so the abortion could, could be, you know, I could give money specifically for a black baby that would, that’d be the purpose.
PP: Yeah, absolutely. Um, if you wanted to designate that you wanted your gift to be used to help an African-American woman in need, um, then we would certainly, uh, make sure that that gift was earmarked specifically for that purpose.
Donor: Great. Because I really face trouble with affirmative action, and I don’t want my kids being disadvantaged, you know, against, um, black kids. I just had a baby, I want to put it in his name, you know.
PP: Mm, hm.
Donor: Um, you know ….
PP: Absolutely, that’s fantastic.
Donor: So that’s, that’s definitely possible?
PP: Oh, always, always.
Donor: You know, we just think, you know, the the the less, the less black kids out, the better.
PP: [laughs] Understandable, understandable. Alright, um, excuse my hesitation. I’m, I’m, this is the first time I’ve had a donor call and ask, make this kind of request, so I’m excited, and I’m, I want to make sure I don’t leave anything out.
Live Action’s undercover investigation also called Planned Parenthood of New Mexico and spoke to Irene Gray, director of development. Here’s the transcript of their phone conversation:
PP: Hello, this is Irene.
Donor: Hi, um, I’m interested in, um, making a donation? I’d like to fund one abortion.
PP: Oh, OK!
Donor: I was wondering if that would be possible.
PP: Yes, we can definitely put that….
Donor: Um, can I make the donation specifically for a minority group?
PP: Like a specific group of color?
Donor: Yeah, yeah.
PP: Like, a group of ….
Donor: I mean, like, I want the abortion to be for an African-American baby.
Donor: And, I was wondering if that could be possible?
PP: The exact amount that we charge, right now, is $450 for an abortion.
Donor: OK. $450?
PP: Mm, hm. And, uh, we can definitely designate it for an African-American.
Donor: Wonderful! Um, if I wanted to fund multiple abortions, could you also specify that this could be done for, um, a specific group?
PP: Mm, hm.
Donor: Great, great. Um, well, little excited, you know, because I really face trouble with affirmative action, and I don’t want my kids to be, um, uh, disadvantaged, um, you know….
PP: Yeah.
Donor: Against, against, um, against blacks with, in college and, you know, the less, um, the less blacks out there, the better, so….
PP: Yeah, yeah, it’s a strange time for sure. [Laughs]
Donor: Yeah.
PP: So, OK.
Donor: Thank you so much.
PP: No problem!
Donor: And you’ll be receiving a check in a few days!
Here’s the transcript of the phone conversation between Live Action’s undercover investigator (“donor”) and Sue Riggs, vice president of development of Planned Parenthood of Oklahoma:
PP: Hello, this is Sue. May I help you?
Donor: Hi! Uh, Sue, I’m interest in making a donation?
PP: Great!
Donor: So, could, could, would it be possible for me to donate that money specifically for these, these minority groups, so that they could have access to abortions?
PP: Yes, it would be.
Donor: Wonderful. Then could I specify that abortion be done, uh, those abortions be done for a specific minority group, or how does that work?
PP: If you wish, you can.
Donor: OK. So, so, for example, the black community in Tulsa. Would it be possible to give the money specifically for that?
PP: You sure can.
Donor: Wonderful. Great. The abortions will be done specifically for the, the black community abortions.
PP: I can, I will mark it in such a way that definitely it will.
Donor: On a black baby?
PP: Yes.
Donor: Thank you, great.
Donor: Uh, so, can I give you my credit card number?
PP: Yes.
Here is the transcript of the phone conversation between “Donor” and Lisa Hutton, administrative assistant of Planned Parenthood of Ohio:
PP: Planned Parenthood administration, this is Lisa.
Donor: And who am I speaking with now?
PP: My name is Lisa Hutton.
Donor: Lisa Hutton, what’s your position?
PP: Administrative assistant.
Donor: OK. When I underwrite abortions, does that apply to minorities too?
PP: If you specifically want it to underwrite an abortion for a minority person, you can target it that way. You can, you can specify that that’s how you want it spent.
Donor: OK, yeah, ’cause there’s, so, there’s definitely way too many black people in Ohio, so I’m just trying to do my part.
PP: [Laughs] OK. Whatever.
Donor: Well, blacks especially need abortions too. So that’s what I’m trying to do.
PP: Well, for whatever reason, we’ll accept the money.
You can listen to the audio tape of the above 4 phone conversations by going to Live Action’s Facebook page.
871 black babies are aborted every day in the United States (Guttmacher Institute), but not a word from the Reverends From Hell Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, or from the black president and black first lady in the White House. Don’t black lives matter?
![#BlackLivesDon’tMatter: Planned Parenthood accepts donation earmarked for aborting black babies Lila Rose](
God bless you, Lila Rose!
Live Action is a youth-led pro-life non-profit organization founded in 2004 by a 15-year-old Catholic girl named Lila Rose, Rose, now 26, remains Live Action’s president. Live Action has undertaken many undercover investigations of late-term abortion doctors and of Planned Parenthood’s racist and sex-selective abortions and sex trafficking. Rose has received many recognitions and awards, including being included by National Journal in their 2013 list of “The 25 Most Influential Washington Women Under 35.”
H/t Live News
See also:
- Abortion accounts for 94% of Planned Parenthood’s for-profit business
- Planned Parenthood: No need to tell sex partners you have AIDS
- Planned Parenthood promotes sadomasochism as harmless fun
- Calif. high school students taught sex toys & porn by Planned Parenthood
- Corporate donors to Planned “Parenthood” abortion-mill
- Kansas Episcopal Church celebrates 42 years of abortion with fundraiser for Planned Parenthood
- Planned Abortionhood pimps for Obama