One thing I have always written is that you need to take lots of photographs and this is another reason as to why you do this. It helps you to remember just how far you have come with your allotment. Our lass has numerous issues with getting the flowers to grow and anything which does grow gets slugged.
Yesterday I noticed that one of the potato plants was worse for wear and as one person commented, it looked peed on.
This is to do it seems with black leg. Link to RHS site about Potato Blackleg best to follow the link than have me waffle about it.
But we have removed the first one as you can see, another in a different location seems to be going the same way, here is hoping we have caught it in time. The only saving grace is that the crops are rotated around the allotment and this only affects potatoes so a year or twos absence from this ground and the bacteria should be gone.
In other news...
The pansies out front have been sat on and we think the culprit for that was the local pheasant which seems to want to snuggle down everywhere.