My golden birthday is at the end of the month (I’ve waited a 31 years for this…) and I’m pretty excited to celebrate with my family. My favorite celebrations typically involve brunch- is there a better meal? No, no there is not. If wishes were horses (…beggars would ride…) this is my ultimate birthday wish-list. I don’t expect anything on it but who doesn’t love some good window shopping? In addition to the always on my list Gap gift card (I need some new shorts & summer dresses!) these are the things that have been catching my eye lately.
1. FitBit Flex

I know, I’m late to the bandwagon, but after reading 146 blog reviews and magazine articles on the, I’d love my own super fancy pedometer. I really want a wrist band (as opposed to a clip on device) and I want something with a silent alarm- B and I get up at different times and I know he’d love to sleep through my 5 am alarm two days a week. I found this article helpful in comparing all the options out there. I think I’d actually prefer the FitBit Force but since they recalled it and haven’t launched its replacement the Flex would be at the top of my list.
2. Hotel Bedding

When we got our king sized bed I bought some great bedding from Lands’ End but it is really, really warm. I’ve had my eye on their hotel line, as well as Costco’s comparable line. I love both the navy and khaki trim-iIt just seems so fresh and cool and after this winter I’m ready to pack away the warm duvet cover for a few months.

I bought my Mom one of these a few years ago and it is awesome. You fill the vented core with your fruit or herb of choice- citrus, cucumber, mint, whatever floats your boat- and fill it with water. The flavor then infuses into the water. I’m a huge fan of cucumber water so this would be an easy way to get my fix quickly.
4. Mandolin

I will ask for a madolin until I die (or open one up). THINK OF ALL THE QUICHE I COULD MAKE! The stir fry! The everything!

These sandals seem like the perfect “dress up/dress down” shoe for summer. And my wardrobe has a huge hole in the “sandal” department.
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