Fashion Magazine

Birthday Crowning

By Tamera Beardsley @tamerabeardsley
Birthday Crowning
There is no better time to Crown Yourselfthan a birthday!
So of course that's just what I did!
Birthday Crowning
I Crowned Myselfwith joy!
Proud to be one year older at 56 now!
When on my birthday eveAri Seth Cohen of Advanced Style started following me on
 Instagramit was perfect timing!
Birthday Crowning
Because it reminded me of the shift in the idea of agingthat is taking place.
Birthday Crowning
And that shift has to begin inside each of us.We all must realize and celebrate the great giftsthat come with being one year older.So that we can not only inspire each otherbut remind those coming behind usthat there is honor in gettingolder and wiser.
A new beauty that is unfolding.
Birthday Crowning
This year I intend to Crown Myselfand celebrate my years!
All the time making it a priorityto seek out joy in the everydayeveryday.
Birthday Crowning
As always my friends
I wish you love and joyas you style your life

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