Fashion Magazine

Birds Flying High, You Know How i Feel.

By Fetesvosyeux

 Hello dear,
This week flew by so quickly. It's a nice thing to meet up with really good friends and do things you love, with love. I'm really greatful having them in my life, they make heavy things a bit lighter. Thank you guys. As for myself, I'm trying to get sporty. People who know me will probably laugh out loud right now, because I've never been the sporty type. There's lots of things I'm interested in (yoga, dancing, some strange japanese fightsport a friend told me about), just have to choose one now. And by choosing I mean get one to fit my busy internship schedule. Talking about it, I really really have to start working on my report (so I keep telling myself). Tomorrow, I'm gonna go out in Ghent. It's been such a long time since I did that, due to my internship. Really looking forward to it. Just don't now what to wear yet.

Birds flying high, you know how i feel.
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