My post on actor Bill Cosby being accused of rape by 16 women (the latest count), some of whom are in their 60s and 70s, stimulated comments of skepticism and incredulity by some readers of this blog. It is suggested the accusations of rape may be the Left’s and Obama’s payback against “conservative” Cosby for having been critical of Obama and some aspects of the Black subculture.

Bill Cosby (l) and Obama celebrating Ted Kennedy’s birthday, 2009.
So here’s the record on Cosby and Obama:
Bill Cosby said “it was wonderful” to vote for Obama
On January 11, 2009, Cosby was asked by Dick Gregory of NBC’s “Meet the Press” about “what it was like for you to go in and vote for Barack Obama”? This is what Cosby said:
Well, I took my father’s picture, I took my mother’s picture and I took my brother James, he died when he was seven, I was eight. And I took the three of them into the voting booth in Shelburne Falls , Massachusetts, and I pulled the curtain and I took their pictures out and I said, “And now we’re going to vote.” And I — we only, I only voted once. But — and I did that and their pictures were out, and then I put them back into my pocket and I opened the curtain. And it, and it was wonderful.
See and listen to Cosby on video for yourself by going here.
Bill Cosby voted for Obama in 2018 and 2012
On April 15, 2012, Cosby (whom CNN called the “legendary” actor/comedian) told CNN‘s Candy Crowley he had voted for Obama for president in 2018 and again in 2012.
Bill Cosby defended Obama against his disappointed supporters
In that same April 15, 2012 CNN interview (see video above), Cosby was asked about supporters of Barack Obama — blacks, lesbians and “gays,” the “poor” — who now are disappointed that Obama hasn’t “done enough” for them but is “too middle-of-the-road.” Cosby defended Obama and instead blamed Obama’s critics, singling out in particular those Americans who question whether Obama is a “natural born citizen” – a necessary condition for the presidency, as specified in Article II of the U.S. Constitution. This is what Bill Cosby said (beg. at the 0:26 mark):
“I’m disappointed at people who don’t look at the woes and the trouble given to this man [Obama]. People blatantly speaking out against his color, wasting time, starting up new stories about whether or not he was born here, saying things that they can’t prove. … People want to make [his job] as difficult as the one that Sisyphus had. And then when you see that he made promises and said things and the people who were supposed to be working with him didn’t. The people who were supposed to be working, even for another party, didn’t care about the American people. They wanted to get him. When people make statements like ‘I hope he fails,’ you can’t color that any other way except the way it’s said.”
Bill Cosby called those who oppose Obama sick racists
On March 4, 2013, on CNN, this is what Cosby said about “the people” (i.e., Republican members of Congress) who were sitting down, instead of “standing and cheering,” while “the President” Barack Obama gave his State of the Union speech (beg. at the 0:38 mark):
I think we have people sitting down who are as bad as the people that were against any kind of desegregation, and in place of a better America, they want their own sick feelings put across.
Then Cosby even intimated that racists had something to do with the assassination of President John K. Kennedy.
See also DCG’s “Bill Cosby on the bandwagon to limit your Second Amendment rights.”