Schooling Magazine

Bilingual Teachers: First Year Tips to Skyrocket Your Teaching

By Barbara Mascareno @spanish4kiddos

Bilingual teachers need all the support in the classroom they can get. Besides planning dual-language lessons and activities, first-year bilingual teachers adapt to the many tasks of teaching.

Anywhere from meetings to classroom set-up, bilingual teachers have to do plenty of activities. Perhaps, you know a teacher friends or you're a first-year bilingual teacher.

You know the complexities of managing a classroom and all the tasks that come with it. So, develop an organization system for lesson planning, meetings, and self-care to prevent moments of disasters and save your sanity.

What New Bilingual Teachers Need to Know?

You rarely take time to sip that cup of coffee and have time to eat your lunch. That is why every first-year bilingual teachers need to know that taking care of yourself is a priority.

When you don't take care of yourself, your immune system begins to degrade, and you feel the stress of teaching. For sure, you know the demands of the teaching profession.

  • For example, you see the grading pile doesn't stop, lesson planning doesn't quit, and meetings can last forever.
  • So, take a few minutes to reassess your day's activities and map out your week.
  • By using simple steps to plan out your week and day will create a positive mindset that you can accomplish the next tasks.
  • Eventually, you'll be running your lesson planning on autopilot.
  • Second, add a variety of inspirational or motivational books to read.
  • Whether you prefer to read on a personal device or hardcopy book, take a moment to choose books that inspires you to do what you do.
Bilingual Teachers: First Year Tips to Skyrocket Your Teaching

Aside from nourishing your mind, replenish your body with healthy eating habits.

  • Perhaps, the last thought is to prepare your lunch the night before.
  • However, incorporating a meal plan that suits your needs will improve your health and your budget.
  • In that way, you avoid eating out, if you can, and save for special treats.

One of the stressful aspects of teaching is paper clutter. You know that stack or pile of grading will not go away unless you tackle it.

  • So, create organization systems that make your life simple.
  • For instance, use binders, if that suits you, for students' information, standards, meeting notes, professional development, courses, and any other relevant information.
  • Also, incorporate consistent methods to make grading less stressful.
  • Use bins or stackable letter trays to label graded papers, to-return, and in-progress grading.
  • Containers are the easiest method to use since you might have a large stack or small one depending on the activity or lesson.
  • One of the best parts of binders is that you can customize them and you can punch a hole in just about any type of paper.
  • Even if you can't punch holes into an important document, you can use three-hole pocket folders to fit into your binder.
  • So, get organized!

The end of the day is the hardest part as you head out the door. However, take two minutes to clear your desk.

  • Organizing your desk before you leave is easier than you think.
  • Make piles of paper that you need to take care the next day.
  • Put all pens, pencils, and office supplies in one bin or pencil holder.
  • Anything else that doesn't need your immediate attention goes in a separate pile.
  • Besides, you'll feel refreshed and renewed when you walk in the next day to a cleared desk.
  • A clear desk means a new day and a fresh start.

First-Year Teaching Checklist

As many new bilingual teachers learn, information overload quickly occurs during that first week of back to school. With so much information that you have to absorb and process, you rarely have time to think about what are useful, valuable resources to help throughout the school year.

  • First, select teacher podcasts that can invigorate your mind with valuable sources that you can use in the classroom.
  • For example, the Teach Better Talk! podcast is an ideal way to listen to how other teachers and educators offer tips to encourage you every day.
  • Other podcasts worthwhile to listen are The Wired Educator Podcast, the 10-Minute Teacher Podcast, and the Podcast PD.

In addition to podcasts, social media can be a valuable outlet for up-to-date education news and current events.

  • For example, Twitter is a social media channel that you can search for education content and chats using hashtags.
  • A few hashtags to try are #EduTwitter, #edchat, and #education.
  • As with any other social media channel, hashtags change frequently.
  • So, make sure to check these often.
  • Other social media platforms to try are Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

Professional development courses are always occurring. Take a moment to select those classes that you could do online or are budget-friendly.

  • A first-year bilingual teacher's toolkit is not complete without a list of educational tech resources.
  • Create a list of grade level or subject tech apps or extensions.
  • Many web browser extensions easily install on a Chrome web browser in a Chromebook, if your district has these powerful computers.
  • Also, if you're using iPads, mostly likely there are plenty of apps that you use.
  • Check to make sure the bilingual options are available.

First-year bilingual teachers take in responsibilities and commitments to ensure students succeed in the classroom. However, teaching is one of the most challenging professions to adhere during the first year on the job.

The demands are overwhelming. So, don't forget to teach from the heart, but to also take care of yourself in the process.

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