Charity Magazine

Biking to Work

By Softstar @Soft_Star_Shoes

Whenever I see an adult on a bicycle, I have hope for the human race.

~ H.G. Wells


Our founder (Tim Oliver,above) bikes to work most days. His bright yellow bike frame sports a red leather bike seat cover that he crafted years ago in the workshop. The seat features a large inlaid white leather star - just like the star inlays on our moccasins. But Tim isn't the only biking Elf. More than 1/2 of our team bikes to work throughout the year, and a die-hard core of elves bike rain or shine every day. (Luckily no sleet or snow in our corner of the world. Yet.) We encourage biking and walking to work and offer an alternative transportation benefit for bikers.

Of course, it helps that Corvallis is one of the best cities in the nation for bicycling. In fact, the 2011 American Community Survey (an arm of the US Census) rated Corvallis as having the highest percentage of bicycle commuters and second highest percentage of pedestrian commuters of any city over 50,000 population in the United States. The miles of bike trails, relatively flat terrain and great bike culture means Elves can make almost any trip by bicycle in less than 15 minutes.  Our local bus transport system is equipped with bike racks on the front of all buses for those of us combining a longer commute with a bus & bike.  One company vehicle we aspire to get some day is this cool Elf bike by Organic Transport.  We would use it as an employee vehicle for company errands, and of course, it already has a super cool, appropriate name for our Elf team.

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