Family Magazine

Big Or Average?

By Twotimesthefun @slcs48n1
My new purse arrived today. I had been looking for a new purse for a while. I kept going back to this one, so I finally ordered it. I think my husband might put his head in his hands and sigh when he sees it. The unspoken words will be "another purse?"
When the girls were little, there was no question about my purse. It was large, utilitarian and replaced often. Even the supposedly indestructible materials couldn't survive the amount of stuff I carried. Now that the girls are a little older, I keep trying to downsize. I don't want to carry something really small. I would like to carry something that doesn't scream "Mom purse." Something stylish, but not big enough to carry hats, scarfs and gloves for three people (mine plus theirs) would be fine.
I'm still searching for the compromise.
I gave away my last large purse because it seemed too big. I couldn't find anything in that purse and I was constantly carrying too much stuff. I realize I should have had some control over what went into my purse, but I think that's just an illusion when you have small children. The girls just handed me stuff and I threw it in my purse. I'd clean my purse and not remember why all that junk was so important.
There is one purse I always go back to. It's a classic black leather purse that I've carried off and on for years. It's perfect for me. It's not perfect for someone who carries stuff for three people. After a few months of juggling my purse and carrying all their stuff, I went back to purse shopping.
I looked at every purse for months. I considered style, material, size and functionality. I picked up purses every time I went into a store. In the end I ordered the purse I had been considering for three or four months. If nothing else, you cannot say I'm an impulsive shopper.
All my stuff fits nicely into the purse. I have extra room for the girls' stuff. There's not a lot of room, but it's a good temporary holding space. It's perfect for us...for now at least.

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