Travel Magazine

BIG Changes Happening in My Life..

By Annie
Many of you who have known me a while, Know that I have had many changes and major knock backs in the last few years  
It has been TOUGH. 
I really didn't think I would get through it all.
Thanks to everyone who helped me. 
Splitting up with my husband, battling in courts, selling my home, recovering from the second bout of severe depression,  surviving major changes.. 
Getting back to work was a huge help . I didn't really think I could do it, but I did. It has helped me as it took my mind off things (to a certain degree)  The night times are the worst . I still struggle at night . And even though it is nearly 3 years since he left . It is only 9 months since our divorce . Big life changers  
Well I am about to have another HUGE change..
Will keep you all posted..
Hugs to you all .

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