Someone please tell me why we had voted a Republican majority to the House and Senate?
House Republicans, led by new Speaker Paul Ryan, have completely caved in and given their approval to a $1.67 trillion, 2,100-page, debt-ridden omnibus spending bill.
In so doing, the Republicans are stabbing in the back Americans who had voted for them in the 2012 mid-term elections by funding:
- Obama’s massive wave of “refugees” from Syria and other terror-risk countries (170,000 people in 2016 alone!).
- Obama’s radical amnesty agenda for illegal “immigrants”.
- Obama’s climate change agenda.
- Fully funding Planned Parenthood, 5 months after a series of videos showed Planned Parenthood officials haggling over the price of unborn baby parts and discussing illegal partial-birth abortions.
All this, while increasing the federal deficit by hundreds of billions of dollars.
Operation Rescue’s Troy Newman, a board member of the Center for Medical Progress that conducted the undercover video investigations, says the funding shows “the corrupt, establishment Republicans are once again walking lockstep with the pro-abortion Democrats to give the criminal enterprise Planned Parenthood more money. Over the past six months, we have proven that Planned Parenthood routinely engages in gross criminal conduct that includes profiting from the sale of fetal body parts, changing the abortion procedure to put their profits ahead of women’s safety, and killing children that were born alive.”
And to think Paul Ryan actually calls himself a Roman Catholic.

Breitbart rightly calls the Ryan-Pelosi deal a “total and complete sell-out of the American people”.
Sources: LifeSiteNews;