Art & Design Magazine

Best Sewing Blogs 2015: Vote Now!

By Mmadalynne @mmadalynne

best sewing blog 2015 01 Best Sewing Blogs 2015: Vote Now!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year – time to vote for the best sewing blogs for 2015!

In January of this year, I emailed every blogger on my blog roll, which amounted to more than 100, and asked them to submit their picks for the “best of” categories that I created (most inspirational, fastest, funniest, etc). I gave them a little more than a month to respond and in early February, I rounded up the winners and posted the final results. The purpose of it was to provide a resource for new and seasoned sewers where they could access a list of current sewing bloggers, blogs and companies according to skill, personality, category, etc. in one place.

Unexpectedly, there was a lot of feedback, which I have taken into account this year (additional categories, more effective and accurate methods of voting, etc). For 2015, voting will be up to you. Starting today and through Friday, December 12th, email your votes for the categories below to [email protected]. You can vote only once, but your vote can include as many or as few names as you like. If you can’t decide who the funniest sewer is, give me 2 names. The max is 5 per category. Also, one person is eligible for more than one category. So, if you think “Jane” is the funniest and most inspirational sewer, vote for her twice. Just like last year, the results will include anonymous quotes from fellow sewers, so be sure to provide a sentence or two explaining why you are voting for that particular person (optional). Last, if you believe a category has been left out, comment below or email me and I’ll add it to the list.

Between December 12th and the first week of the new year, I will tally all the submissions and format a GIANT post, which will be published in the beginning of 2015. What a great way to start off the year, right?

I’ve also included social media icons below that you can put on your blog and/or post to Facebook and Instagram that will link to this post.

Good luck and let the voting commence!

best sewing blog 2015 02 Best Sewing Blogs 2015: Vote Now!


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