One of the most used technologies of the modern age is the Global Positioning System or GPS. Pet GPS trackers are not only very effective when used by humans but also when monitoring activities to get more information about what your pets are doing when you are not home. We all love our pets, especially our canine buddies. This is the reason that people keep their dogs and other pets within our sights. These guys are trained to be champions, guard our homes and keep us good company as well. If you really love your pets then you should think to secure your pets and get the best pet GPS trackers today to track your pets in every single moment.
Unfortunately, you might not be able to keep an eye on your pets, especially dogs all the time. What you can do is hire a dog sitter for yourself but that can be something very expensive for you. This is true, even if I am a smart homeowner and have one of the best services from Mediacom Internet services, I was having issues looking after my dog due to time constraints and busy schedule. This is why pet GPS trackers that are attached to the dog's collars can keep you updated with their location and also help yourself keep them safe at all times. Here are a few pet GPS trackers that will help you to keep up to date with the whereabouts of your dogs:
Pet GPS Trackers

Whistle 3 GPS Pet Tracker and Activity Monitor by Whistle

There are many pet owners who trust Whistle 3 GPS Pet Tracker and Activity Monitor system for quite a few reasons. One of the reasons is that these guys provide nationwide coverage using cellular networks. You don't have to rely on your GPS to know the whereabouts of your pet. You can also connect using Wi- Fi connections and create a dedicated safe zone for your pet. It helps you get automatic notifications to prevent your pet from going astray. You can also monitor your dog's daily activity using this lightweight tool.
Smart Dog Collar GPS Location Tracker by Link AKC

This is one of the best dog tracking devices that you can buy. It is something really unique that you can use to attach onto your dog's collar. The Link is a device and a dog collar that serves both causes and eliminates the need of constantly removing the GPS tracker and mounting it again on your dog's collar. You should keep in mind the size of your dog's collar so that you get the perfect fit for your canine. There are many features that you can find while using this collar. These include features like activity trackers, adventure recording, remote alerts, temperature monitoring and many other useful ones. All you need to do is subscribe to a Link AKC's service plan to experience a range of benefits that you can get with this gadget.
Alpha 100 TT 15 Dog GPS Bundle by Garmin

You simply can't give it a second thought when buying a Garmin GPS product. The Alpha 100 TT15 Dog GPS Bundle is the highest preferences of hunters who want to track down their hunting dogs. One of the distinguishing features is that it not only relies on GPS technology, it also utilizes a platform called GLONASS that makes sure that you stay accurate when tracking down your dog's location.
Duo+ Pet Tracker by Findster

This is not an ordinary pet tracking device that you come across. It provides you insights on the whereabouts of your dog's entire day. To measure this, it takes into account the daily activity of your dog for 24 hours. It also helps you set up safe zones for your dog so that you get alerts whenever your dog is out of your sight. The only drawback of the tool is that it has a very limited range.
FitBark Dog Activity Monitor

This device looks more like a bar of bath soap and a dog bone. It is a Dog Activity Monitor that weighs up to 0.32 ounces. It is rugged and waterproof and is one of the most complete GPS trackers. The gadget tracks and manages your pet and gets you the report using the internet or even the iOS and Android devices. The battery lasts for around 2 weeks. One more important feature is that it monitors your fitness and the fitness progress of your dog as well.
MARCOPOLO Advanced Pet Monitoring by Eureka Technology

There are many dog GPS trackers that rely only on orbiting satellites that are in space. The MARCOPOLO Advanced Pet Monitoring by Eureka Technology doesn't work that way. It relies on the same technology that you have been using with handheld radio devices. Since the device uses radio waves, it provides you coverage of up to a 2-mile range. This is the range where the device provides you with the most optimal performance.
AIBEILE Personal Mini Micro GPS Tracker, by BAARTUN

The basic idea behind the design of the device is that it allows your kids to record and send recorded voice messages to your smartphone so that you can be alert. These are directly accessible using a very dedicated app. This might not be the case if your dog is using it. The device at hand works both as a GPS device and LBS. You can track your dog's whereabouts and know the exact location of your dog. Also, the device comes with an electronic fence, which is now available in many other devices too.
You can select from any of the above-mentioned devices to get help tracking your dog. Also, these will help you get the ease of tracking your dog's position if it goes somewhere beyond your sights. Many of these devices play a very cardinal role in providing you the health status and whereabouts of your dog. So get one of these devices as these are available on Amazon so that you can monitor your canine any time you want.
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Nathan John works as a content editor at Spectrum internet packages. He has seven years of experience and he works for various online communities. He writes about business, technology and communications.