Hair & Beauty Magazine

Best Eyeshadow for Office: How to Apply Perfectly

By Stylishwalks @stylishwalks

When you go to office, the eye shadow that you wear should be simple and not dramatic like you wear for a party. Smokey eyes and purple lips do not match a woman going for work. At work you need bright lips, flushed cheeks and rose-gold eyes. When you do makeup for the office, you have to choose safe colors. The color you choose also depends on the work you do. If you are in the creative work, then you can do experiments with colors and use brighter shades. You can apply a range of colors as eye shadow. If you are working in a conservative place, you will have to choose natural colors. Here we will discuss about some eye-shadow shades that you can use for office wear.

Best Eye-shadow Shades for Office Wear:

Best Eyeshadow for Office

Neutral eye shadows:

Since office hours are in the day time for most of you, it is best to use colors that match the color of your skin. Brown, caramels and white are some shades that you can wear when to go to office.

Beige eye shadow:

This is also good for office wear. A pink tinge and a little bit of shimmer will make you attractive even in the most conservative office uniform. You can try one of the shades from Urban decay naked 3 eye-shadow palette for applying on your lids. Complete it with a dark brown pencil and black mascara.

Champagne eye shadow:

This will provide you a wide eyed look. It is subtle and makes you pretty and professional. Apply the shade Covergirl eye enhancers in champagne. This will make your eyes look young and also bigger.

Copper eye shadow:

This is another shade that you can wear for the office. This makes you look smart and slightly sexy.

Eye shadow must be applied properly to get the perfect look. If you are a beginner, here is a step to step instruction on how to apply eye shadow:

How to Apply Eyeshadow Perfectly – Steps and Tips:

How to Apply Eyeshadow

Step 1:

Clean your face and apply a concealer to cover the dark circles. Also apply a primer on your eye lids, which help in keeping the eye shadow on the lids for a longer time. Primer is particularly useful if you have an oily skin.

Step 2:

Now take the lightest shade and apply it on your lid. If you are not sure which shade to choose, choose safe colors like peach, browns, skin color, nude shades or beige and so on. Use the lightest color first.

Step 3:

With a crease brush or a makeup brush, choose a darker shade and apply it on the crease of your eyes. Start from the inner corner and slowly go to the outer corner. Using a darker shade on the crease will give more definition to the shape of the eyes. If you want to have a vibrant look, you can use bolder colors. With the help of a fluffy blending brush, blend the crease well.

Step 4:

Next you have to take your eye pencil and line your eyes. Line both the upper and the lower lash line. You can line the water line with kohl. By lining the inner rim of your eyes with nude or white eye pencil, you can make your eyes look awake and larger in size.

Step 5:

Once you finish lining your eyes, you have to apply a little of the white eye shadow in the inner corner of your eyes. This makes the eye makeup perfect and also makes the eyes pop.

Step 6:

Now apply mascara and you have completed your eye makeup. If your eye lashes are not very long, you can wear false eye lashes.

Apply a highlighter shade under your brow bone. This will highlight your brow bones. This also gives a complete look to your eyes.

If any of the makeup products have fallen on your face, clean them up. This gives a clean and crisp look to your face.

Tips for Eye Shadow Application:

  • When you apply eye shadow on your eye lids, remember to choose only those shades that suit your eyes and the skin tone.
  • The base or primer that you choose must be of a good quality. This will provide an instant boost to your eye makeup. It also enables the eye shadow to remain on your eye lids for a longer time.
  • For a perfect and gorgeous eye makeup, it is essential that you have the correct brushes. Brushes are always very important in makeup. So, try to get some basic brushes for yourself. The brushes that you buy must be of good quality. By investing on good brushes, you can rest assured that your makeup will never go wrong. So, they help you in the long run.
  • If you are not very sure as to how to blend different shades to get the perfect look, then you can choose a little of the lighter shade and apply this over the dark eye shadow. Remember to wipe it in one direction, from the light shadow to the dark shadow. This assures that the blending is done properly.
  • When you apply the eye shadow on the creases of the eye lid, you must be extra careful. Do not use blunt brushes for this. You can use a pencil brush for putting eye shadow on your creases, so that it is applied precisely.
  • If any drops of the eye shadow have fallen on your face, dip an ear bud in a makeup remover and use it to remove them from your skin. This will provide a clean and finished look to your face.

So, next time when you apply eye shadow, follow the tips given above and you will see how well you have applied it and how pretty and professional you look.

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