Parenting Magazine

Best Double Umbrella Stroller Reviews 2017

By Sakil King

Wondering what is the B est Double Umbrella Stroller? These are pushchairs manufactured in order to carry two babies at the same time, so that there is no hassle while travelling around with babies. It is the perfect solution to those parents who is expecting or have twins.

Umbrella strollers get their name from the curved double handles. Double Umbrella Strollers have two seats which is made of cloth, with limited features such as a sunshade and storage basket. They also fold up very easily, just like an umbrella. They are the lightest, smallest, and simplest strollers in the market. They generally weigh between just over 20 pounds up to 32 pounds at the heaviest. There are two types:

  • Stadium Style Seating: A stadium-style seating double stroller has a front and back seat. The back seat is more raised than the front seat.
  • Side by Side Seating: The side by side umbrella double stroller let the infants' seat by the side of each other (left and right).

This type of double baby stroller is popular with parents who take trips on airplanes because they are easy to gate-check. Families with twins will find it very convenient. It will allow you to take both of your children with you on errands. Therefore, it will be a lifesaver.

How to Choose Best Double Umbrella Stroller

There are so many strollers in the market. It becomes difficult to choose a B est Double Umbrella Stroller. It is very important to keep certain criteria in mind before buying a stroller.

The size of the stroller is important. If it is very small, then the babies will not have enough space to move and if it is very big then it will have unusable space. Along with this, the stroller might be heavy to move around if it is very big. So, finding the right size is necessary. Moreover, if you like to travel around very frequently then you should look for a lightweight b est double umbrella stroller that is less heavy than some double strollers in the market.

Some strollers are double wheeled and some are single. It is important to justify whether a single wheeled stroller is performing better than the double wheeled or not. The wheels, they should contain brakes. This is another important factor. Some strollers have 3 pedals to push that can be unfriendly to sandaled feet. Some strollers have a single action brake with one pedal or bar to engage. Single pedal is easier to use. Up to 3 pedal push can be confusing for the parent and may result in accidents.

While testing the strollers you may find out some are hard to push around. It is essential for you to be comfortable while moving the stroller. You would not want the stroller to get stuck every now and then. Choose a stroller that offers easy maneuverability so that you can enjoy carrying your baby. It is essential for the parents to use the strollers with ease.

The babies should be comfortable as they are the ones who will be sitting in it. The fabric of the stroller must be soft and skin friendly so that they do not get any kind of rashes on their skin. The seat construction should facilitate the backbone of the babies. Moreover, the strollers should have safety standards from recognized organizations. Some strollers have extended safety features such as harness, easy brakes, etc.

Most of us give the first priority to budget whereas some of us do not. Sometimes, when the quality of the product is extremely good it might also cost high. A slight high price will not harm, if the stroller can provide certain facilities that will give the buyer more perceived value. However, there is nothing to worry about, the baby strollers are offered in variety of prices. With all the above points into consideration, you will be able to narrow down to the price that you wish to purchase with.

  • The storage of the stroller, i.e. whether it takes up more space or not. It should meet up the storage requirements of your house. If you have small storage, I would recommend you to purchase stroller that is compact.
  • You should think about the type of stroller you need (Stadium Style Seating or Side by Side Seating).
  • The brand you may prefer.
  • The handles of the stroller. Whether it is adjustable or not.
  • The lifespan of the stroller. You may also see whether the company provides warranty to their customers
  • People has different taste; you may want certain colors or designs for the stroller.

Here, I have 10 top best double umbrella strollers. They were put through extensive testing in a head-to-head competition to find the easiest to use, push, and to take when travelling.

1. Delta Children City Street Side by Side Stroller

It is a side-by-side stroller that has a lightweight frame and a compact umbrella fold for easy storage and travel. It weighs about 20 lbs and each seat can hold up to 35 lbs. It has a 3-point harness that helps keep your babies in their position for the ride. It comes with two reclining seat positions and a dual wheel's system.

It is portable, you can even carry them while travelling via buses. Moreover, the 360-degree swivel wheels make it easier for the parent to maneuver the stroller. The canopies protect the babies from the sun. Parents have a cup holder with two attachment points. It has two hanging storage bags that offers more space to carry accessories. It is less than $60, perfect for parents who want a cheap best double umbrella stroller and do not need extra features.

However, it does not have any suspension system installed it, many users prefer this. Since it has so many other good features in it, the suspension system does not make much of a difference. It can be an ideal stroller as it meets the ASTM standards as well as CPSC standards. Hence it is a safe stroller for your children.

2. Kolcraft Cloud Side by Side Umbrella Stroller

It gives you everything you need while travelling with your babies. It is designed for the family on the go and perfect for traveling or day trips. The stroller has a compact fold. It has a child tray to hold food which is also removable. Multi-position reclining seat keeps your child comfortable. It huge amount of space inside which will help for child to sit comfortably. It has an adjustable 3-point safety harness that ensures the safety of your child. It has an extended canopy for maximum sun coverage.

You can also see your child through a peek-a-boo window. It is made for all kinds of terrain for you to enjoy a smooth ride with your child. It only weighs 21lbs and can hold up to 35lbs for each seat. The price of the product is around $80, therefore it is not that expensive.

However, it does not have a bottom storage basket and the harness is of 3-points. If the babies are more the 6 month then there is a slight chance that they might not be strapped tight. It is still great for your children as it gives you ease while travelling.

3. Dream On Me Double Twin Stroller

It is an ultra-lightweight, rugged full-size twin side by side stroller. It has five-point safety harness which ensures that your children are strapped safely. It has fully reclining seats and has five different positions, making sure that your children have best comfort while travelling. Both the canopies are adjustable. It provides you with abundant storage with two baskets space for necessities. it also has bottom a bottom storage.

The compact umbrella-style makes travel easy, fun and safe. It weighs around 23lbs and can carry up to 30lbs on each seats. The price is below $100. Many consumers believe that it is a reasonable price. The wheels can be both swivel and fixed. The grab bars are removable as well as durable despite the endless grabbing of kids.

However, the canopy shades are small so they might not give full coverage to your children. Parent might face difficulty in maneuvering the stroller when travelling through uneven path such as cracked pavement. Since, it is one of the lightest stroller and has such other amazing features, it can give you and your children a good experience while travelling.

4. Delta Children LX Side by Side Tandem Umbrella Stroller

This stroller is a perfect fit for your children's comfort If you are looking for a stroller that's easy to operate but pretty cool. It is a light frame stroller that provides 2 reclining positions for your children making them comfortable while travelling. It has 360-degree swivel shock absorbing front wheels which gives you easy maneuverability and your children a smooth bump-less ride. It has 5-point harness with soft shoulder pads that secures each of your child in their positions.

The children get good protection from the sun with the large canopies. Parents get to have a cup holder and 2 attachment points to hold their shopping bags while shopping. It has more storage capacity. The price of the stroller is below $100, it is affordable. Moreover, it is extremely light weight and weighs around 18lbs. It can carry up to 35lbs on each seat.

However, it has only 2 reclining positions, there should have been more. To parents safety is a must. Since, they have exceeded certain safety standards such as JPMA Certified, ASTM standards, and others. You can assume that it is a great stroller for your children.

5. JOOVY Twin Groove Ultralight Umbrella Stroller

If you have twins or children with different ages, this stroller is one of the best. It has the capacity to hold two newborns without a car seat. Each seat has a flat, individual recline, plus an adjustable leg rest that comes up. It weighs 26lbs and can hold up to 50lbs on each seats. It has two storage basket that are big enough to carry a diaper bag. Canopies are big with peek-a-boo windows and each child gets their own little storage pouch for toys in each seat.

It has six sets of wheels and has three individual brakes that you have to engage one at a time. But the handles come up to a comfortable height and while maneuverability is easy enough, you will need two hands since it is umbrella style. It has standard umbrella fold, super simple, with an auto-frame lock. It also includes an adjustable carry strap for convenient transport.

However, the middle wheel might be a problem for taller parents kicking it. Other than this it is an extremely good stroller that costs $300.

6. JOOVY Scooter X2 Double Stroller

It is a stroller that has a narrow width so that it can fit through most doorways which most of us like. Inspite of the narrow width it has huge space inside. It weighs 39 lbs and can hold up to 45 lbs on each seats. It has 9.5" rear wheel and 7" front wheels that ensures a smooth ride and excellent maneuverability.

Both seats have independent adjustable multi-reclining seats with footrest. It has adjustable 5-point harness. The large canopies provide sufficient shade to the children. The one-handed folding system allows you to fold the stroller in seconds saving you a lot of time. It has massive storage where you can put away the necessities. Two zippered mesh pockets with each seat so that the little once can keep their toys or belongings in it.

Moreover, parents get to have two cup holders. The bumper bars are removable. It is kind of an all in one package. It would cost around $191, affordable for parents who require greater service.

7. Baby Trend Sit N Stand Ultra Tandem Stroller

This is a lightweight stadium style stroller from others best double umbrella stroller which can be easily converted into a travel system with the addition of an infant car seat. This stroller is great is you have a baby and a toddler, one can travel in the front seat, whereas another kid can stand or sit on the hop seat in the back. The canopies are large enough to support any kind of weather changes. It has a parent tray designed to hold two cups with an easy one-hand folding mechanism.

An underneath storage basket is there to put all the necessities you require for the day. It has a 5-point safety harness and a rear brake that ensures that they are in the same position while you can attend other matters. Since, it is a stadium style stroller it can fit through any doors. It has a dual swivel front wheel that ensures good maneuverability. It cost around $140, which is quiet affordable. It weighs 25lbs and can carry up to 50lbs on each side.

However, it is slightly heavier than some of the lightweight stroller. It is not made for all types of terrain so it might get a little bumpy on grass. Nonetheless, it is an extremely good stroller within the budget.

It is one of the best stroller the market offers. It is a side by side stroller. It will provide a stylish and comfortable ride for your little ones. It has got independent 4 position reclining seats with adjustable foot rest and a 5-point harness, giving your children the best of comfort and safety. It weighs around 34lbs and can take up to 40lbs per seat. It has dual canopies which can be adjusted independent. It has great maneuverability and the dual front wheels come with locking swivels and suspension.

It has 2 separate storage baskets under each seats to keep all the baby's belongings. Moreover, it is certified as frustration free. The carry handles make it easier for the parents to manage the stroller. Taller people may find this stroller very attractive as it has got tall handles. The stroller has got easy fold and unfold option, making it more convenient for those parents who usually stay in a hurry.

However, it is heavy for a best double umbrella stroller, but slim and ergonomically easy to carry. It has small storage baskets, though can be removed easily for cleaning. The canopies are a little smaller in size. It may not provide sufficient shade. Parents love this as it comes in an affordable price of $190.

9. Summer Infant 3Dtwo Double Convenience Stroller

It is very convenient from others best double umbrella stroller due to its light weight and narrow profile. It is a stadium style stroller. It has got plenty of space inside for your kids. It is very lightweight weighing around 22lbs and can carry up to 40lbs on the front and 50lbs on the back seat. The stroller folds very easily giving you enough space for other storage. It has 2 recline positions and has a 5-point safety harness for your children to be tucked tight in their positions.

If the front seat is empty, you can push it up to the bumper bar to gain more space in the back. The adjustable canopies are so large; it practically covers everything. The mesh storage pocket on the side is perfect for a phone, keys, pacifiers, bottles, etc. It has eight 5″ wheels, that can be locked in the front for bumpier terrain. There are wheel locks on both sets of wheels on the back.

However, the storage is a little small to fit a diaper bag. They can be hanged on the sides of the handles, so there is nothing to worry about. This perfect stroller would cost $170. This stroller pushes the best over even pavement but do not use while it snows, sleet or to go through sand.

10. Contours Options Elite Tandem Stroller

If you are looking for a stroller that is compatible with your car this stroller is one of the best. It is a stadium style stroller. It has removable and reversible inline seats that offer up to 7 different seating positions for your children. It accommodates two infant car seats. One car seat adapter is included with purchase, and most major car seat brands are accepted. It folds with both seats attached. Large sun canopies with mesh panel extensions provide ample shade and air circulation.

It also has a pee-ka-boo window for you to see your child. It has a 3-position recline and adjustable footrest. A 5-point safety harnesses keep your children safe in their positions. Large rubber-coated wheels smoothes out the ride, making it movable in all kinds of terrain. It weighs around 34lbs and can carry up to 40lbs on each seats. It has huge storage baskets with zippers on the side. It is single brake system and the stroller can be easily maneuvered.

However, it is a bit bulky and heavy but apart from this it is completely reliable and user friendly. It costs around $400. Therefore, a bit expensive.

I have chosen these 10 Best Double Umbrella Stroller and tested their capabilities. This will definitely help and guide you while buying a stroller for you twins. If I have to recommend, I would say that Contour Options Elite Tandem Stroller is the best option if I have twins and like to travel a lot. However, it is an expensive. So there is nothing to worry, if you are looking for something that is lower in cost then I would say Baby Trend Sit N Stand Ultra Tandem Stroller or Delta Children City Street Side by Side Stroller are extremely good choices. If you get a good stroller, then price can never be the factor.

All these 10 strollers have their own unique abilities. While buying you should think of your needs and preferences first. Match them to the strollers. So now don't wait. Go get a stroller and take your children outside to amusement parks, mall and so many other place without any worry.

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