If you think the internet is exclusive to humans, you're wrong. There are actually a ton of places on the internet created and designed with your cat and their needs in mind.
There are several websites equipped to stimulate your cat's visual, auditory and predatory senses. Instead of dragging a string around your apartment in your free time, many of these websites allow you to to leave your computer or iPad set up whether you're present or away at work.

Best websites & videos for cats to watch 2018
Why is this important?
Most cat owners tend to keep their cats indoors. Outdoor cats have a much higher chance of being attacked, stolen or becoming ill. Keeping your cat inside is an easy way to have peace of mind and ensure that your cat stays safe and lives a long and healthy life.

While physical health is critical, your pet's happiness should also be a concern. If you are the owner of an indoor cat, you want to be sure you're going the extra mile to keep them at a good mental state - happy, frisky and playful the way cats are meant to be. Making your cat happy will also be beneficial to their physical health by making them feel more like playing and getting in exercise.
One of the most important things our cats need in addition to food, water and something to scratch is to feel like a predator. Indoor cats might not have as many opportunities to feel like a true predator the way an outdoor cat would. You probably don't have many birds and mice entering your home to hang out with your little predator and the sounds of the air conditioning coming on or the television in the background don't exactly simulate the sounds of the natural world.
Luckily, the internet has come to the rescue again. Check these resources out and find one that interests your cat.
Best 3 Websites for Cats
With it being the 21st century and all, you probably know that there is a corner of the internet for everything. You can self-diagnose, join an online community of people with similar interests or get into all kinds of illegal fun.
One corner of the internet that you might not have thought to explore includes several ways to stimulate your cat and bring out their inner predator.

Friskies, some feline friends' food of choice, has put together a website specifically to help owners find digital games for their cats. All Friskies games are available to all smartphone users.
One of their games, Cat Fishing 2, requires pet owners to press the "start" button and leave the rest to the cat. Fish fly across the screen, up to three at a time, giving your cat the opportunity to feel like a true hunter.
JitterBug, one of Friskies' other games, allows cats to catch small insects on your smartphone or tablet. You can choose which types of bugs will appear on the screen depending on what your cat gravitates toward.
TV Bini operates and entire Youtube channel for cats. If you are leaving the house, you could leave this channel up on your laptop or computer and entertain your cat for hours on end. The videos include everything from mice to birds to 3D ropes and more. The sounds that come from this long list of videos will pique your cat's interest and attract them to the screen for sure.

Last but not least, all cat owners should take a look at ipadgameforcats.com. Your cat might become more of a gamer than most humans when you download their app and watch them chase lasers, mice and butterflies - not to mention how much money you'll save on toys.
For added fun, bring out your cat's inner Picasso when you download Paint for Cats. Your furbaby will make abstract art for you, their parent. Make it your background, print it out or upload it to social media.
If the internet isn't enough to capture your cat's attention, go back to the basics. Invest in a cat tree and set it in front of a nice big window. Attract birds to your cat's new perch by setting up a bird feeder or bird bath outside and keeping them clean and full. You'll soon find that your cat will be sleeping better, playing more and obviously feeling like the confident, energetic predator they were always meant to be.