Tech Magazine

Benefits of Whitespace: Making Your Blog Legible

Posted on the 17 December 2014 by Dfennell @BloggerGo

Too many bloggers will cram so much on their websites that it seems one paragraph is mixing with another or the images are diverting the attention from the text. The whole purpose of a blog is to provide useful and legible content. If you load too much on the pages, it becomes very difficult to read. By adding more whitespace in between the text and images, you offer improvements that can greatly benefit your website.

Breaking Up the Content

Whitespaces can sectionalize images and content keeping all aspects of material away from mingling together. When you look at a blog that has whitespacing involved, you can easily determine what material belongs to what section or post. When you add too much to a website and the material begins to look crunched and haphazard, it can be a distraction that readers will go out of their way to avoid. The material found on this post, for example, is easy to identify as it exhibits obvious sections of images and recent posts.

Easier to Read

According to this post, whitespace makes your content easier to read. As mentioned earlier, breaking up the content can help compartmentalize the material. This allows readers to apply less focus in order to understand the content. If you make your readers work too hard to understand where paragraphs lie or material that seems to blend together, it creates a more difficult read. Even if you use simplistic words, jumbled material without a separation of some kind could increase the effort one would have to use in order to read the content logically. For example, if sections of content were pushed too close together, readers could assume that the text is all pertaining to a single topic.

The Wall of Text

A wall of text can be intimidating to many as it seems the entire page is made of words. Some people have a harder time staying within specific lines while reading and can become lost within this wall of content. While paragraphs, headers and bullet points help in reducing this wall of text, whitespace can also be beneficial as it pulls the content away from one another making the page look less formidable to read.

Emphasizing an Object or Topic

Whitespace can help create emphasis on an object or topic within the blog. By creating separations between material, each section seems to have its own importance. While different readers will find various topics more worthwhile than others, each one demonstrates is own individuality. For the reader, the material he or she wants to read is more forthcoming in this aspect than it would be if the content seemed to be consuming every square inch of the page.

Mobile technology and Internet efficiency play a role in the development of simplistic designs. The easier your site is to read and use, the more attractive it will be for those using different resolution of displays. Adding too much to the blog can distract from your message and be unappealing to your target audience. What can you do to improve the simplicity of your site?

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