Lifestyle Magazine

Benefits of Delicious Cherries

By Dusana Bozenkova
I love to eat fruits and vegetables. For me it's important to feel great and have more energy.
Eating right can help you maintain a healthy weight and improve your mood.  
It's all about feeling good :-)
Thankfully my pregnancy cravings are fruits and vegetables. 
Lately I have been craving cherries. I just can't stop eating them, they are so nice, juicy and wonderfully delicious. 
Yummy, yummy, yummy!
Here's a little reminder what are they good for. 
Health benefits of cherries:
1.) Rich in antioxidants.
2.) Anti-aging and anti-inflamatory.
3.) Skin lightening and clearing dark spots.
4.) Rich in beta carotene, magnesium, iron, potassium, vitamin A, C, E, K.
5.) Because they are rich in iron, they can help with anemia.
6.) They are great for digestion, weight loss.
7.) Cancer protection.
8.) They help you sleep because they are rich in stable antioxidant melatonin, which helps maintain a healthy sleeping pattern. 
Extra tip:
Cut the cherries in half, apply it onto your face (neck) and leave it for about 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Cherry mask help in removing dead skin cells, cleans and opens the pores.
Your skin will become shiny and glowing.
Benefits of Delicious CherriesBenefits of Delicious Cherries
Benefits of Delicious Cherries

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