Our good on-line friend vimeo is helping us gently ease out of the long winter hiatus and into the Season 6 build up, with a little group of audition videos, that may or may not include scenes from the upcoming season. Please leave the room now if you don’t want to be spoiled:
Here is an actor (unsuccessfully) auditioning for the role of “Ben”. He is reading with someone playing our girl Sookie.
Well if that is to be the character of True Blood Ben, he’s already more than a little crazy, which means he’ll probably fit right in, in Bon Temps. He doesn’t seem much like serious love interest material either, so I’m guessing there’s not going to be too much competition for our favorite Viking here!
Our good friend and super sleuth waffels has also discovered audition videos for the characters of Violet, Nicole, Governor Burrell and (as mentioned in our post yesterday) Wes. Check out our forum spoiler section here to watch those.
We’re really not sure what to make of all this, or why HBO would allow these videos with potential scene spoilers to be posted on-line. Or maybe, just maybe, they know exactly what is going on ……………