Believe it or not!
Humans are a funny lot. We have these thoughts and opinions about life.
Whatever we personally believe to be true is how we see the world. We are convinced that the way we see the world is the right way, and that our world is the real world.
But if/when we change our view of reality, then reality seems to change, and we are now convinced that this new way we see/understand life is the real one. Very rarely are we willing to consider that maybe the way we view the world is actually shaping/creating our reality.
Some people might feel threatened by the above statement.
Our beliefs are after all the only reference we have got about reality. Most scientists would argue that reality is that which can be measured, but since the fundamental building blocks of the atoms are difficult to measure then it is difficult to make any firm statement about what matter, and therefore reality, actually is.
Most spiritually minded people would agree that there is more to life than the level of matter. There seems to be other dimensions/levels of being in which conscious life is going on.
But when it comes to describing what exactly is going on then very few people agree. Non believers make this disagreement an argument for the fact that there is no higher world/heaven/other dimension. But if, as modern science states, the experiencer affects the outcome of an experiment, then it is suddenly not so straight forward to discard faith in a spiritual realm as superstition.
In the next few blogs I would like to have a look at different belief systems and the way they shape the particular reality we personally live in.