Family Magazine

Being Four

By Dreamcreate @THEdreamcreate

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If we didn’t have birthdays,
you wouldn’t be you.


If you’d never been born,
well then what would you do?

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If you’d never been born,
well then what would you be?


You might be a fish!
Or a toad in a tree!

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You might be a doorknob!
Or three baked potatoes!
You might be a bag full of
hard green tomatoes.


Or worse than all that…
Why, you might be a WASN’T!
A Wasn’t has no fun at all.
No, she doesn’t.


A Wasn’t just isn’t. He just
isn’t present. But you…

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And, now isn’t that pleasant!

“Happy Birthday To You” a poem by Dr. Seuss

I spent all weekend taking photos and celebrating the 4th birthday of little Miss G.  Life through the eyes of a four-year old is full of discoveries, heart-aches, dancing, a few tears and a million smiles.

It’s pretty magical!

I’ve been seriously lacking inspiration lately, but there’s nothing like eating candy and dancing like no-one is watching to re-inspire the imagination.

Thanks to the lovely Georgia & Carly for letting me share their birthday photos!

hair by Marion Groot /  makeup by Carly Flint / photos by me / shot on location at ma-luxe studios

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