We all know the mighty Sauron, that big eye in the Lord of the Rings series that everyone in Middle Earth were scared to even talk about. Now we have another Sauron here on earth. Don’t worry, this Sauron is not going to rise again. And yeah, you can still keep that ring because this one is only an extinct dinosaur.

Sauron the Dinosaur or Sauroniops pachytholus was named after Sauron from The Lord of the Rings. Remaining of this unknown dinosaur was discovered earlier this year by a group of paleontologists, which turned out to be over 95 million-years-old. They couldn’t think of a name. So, considering its’ weirdly shaped skull, these paleontologists have decided to name him Sauron. Honestly I don’t see any resemblance. But the name sure is catchy.
You can read more info at Science Direct.
[Via: New dinosaur named after Sauron from Lord of the Rings iO9 ]
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Roshan Jerad Perera