This was originally posted on March 3, 2011. With all the focus on Sandy Hook, it cannot be overlooked. ~LTG
I got an email about Homeland Security and and FEMA shenanigans in Pottawattamie County, Iowa.
It sounded goofy— a mock school shooting to be staged on March 26th, 2011. The email stated that, ”The premise of the mock shooting has been changed to suggest that a student, whose parents oppose illegal immigration comes to school with a gun and shoots a Latino Student” The link provided in the email did not work. I did my own search and found two links that are official. They do not go into detail about the scenario or script they will be following.
The powers-that-be have been soliciting school children and adults to participate as actors in a “mock” school shooting scenario; apparently playing assigned parts as victims and bystanders. I didn’t notice anything about who will play the starring role of “the shooter”.
Here are the links I found:
Participant Handout:
Actor Info Waiver Form:
School Announcement Handout:
Chicago Tribune Article Mentions the Illegal Immigration Scenario:
“…exercise director Doug Reed said the scenario incorporated the Immigration issue to get Homeland Security funds to cover the training exercise. To qualify, Reed said, the exercise needed to be about terrorism, which the federal government defines as the use of violence to intimidate or coerce a government or population as a means to further a political or social objective. “,0,5490388.story
What do you think?
H/T to my buddy Kelleigh