The Layout of the town house is a regular two story home with kitchen, bathroom, dining area, and living room downstairs and then two bedrooms and full bath upstairs.
Let's take a look at the LOVELY new Kitchen and the umm, NOT so lovely BEFORE...
THE Kitchen

Here's What we started with...

AND this is how it turned out! I really love how everything looks.

Let's take a little look back and see the wall coming down...

And Viola!

Here you can see a closer shot of the woodwork. The only piece of wood that was replaced is the panel above the doors. The original had gouged and missing pieces of wood, so a new single panel was created and put in its place. New tile was laid throughout the kitchen and new laminate counters were added to finish it off.

The counter tops come prefabricated at Lowes or Home Depot to fit the standard set up for a kitchen. Since the bar counter was custom made (see the pic. below), they had to glue a sheet of the same laminate down to the top and then finish off with a piece around the edges...

And some more of the finished kitchen...

Thanks for stopping in and seeing the progress!

If you are in the Hampton Roads and Richmond area of Va and would like a consultation to begin transforming a room or rooms in your home, you can reach me at you are located outside of the Hampton Roads and Richmond area and would like to have a Design Package created for a room in your home please contact me at