A couple months ago, we reclaimed this chest of drawers for next to nothing. Well, for nothing. It was a great find considering it's solid wood, but was missing much of its' hardware and the ugly cream paint was chipped and old. Neither of us have ever redone a piece of furniture, so we were a little intimidated. We finally got around to refinishing it last week, and couldn't believe we didn't do it sooner. It was a breeze and I'm so proud of the end result! Here's how we did it.
We removed the drawers, took it outside, and put it on a plastic sheet.

Then I took a medium-grain sand block to the entire thing while boyfriend removed what was left of the old hardware from the drawer-fronts.

I cleaned it off after sanding, then painted it with a semi-gloss paint in black. It took three coats to cover the white, but we chose a fast-drying paint so it didn't take too long.
After drying, boyfriend added the new brushed silver knobs. The two original keyhole pieces were still on there, so I cleaned them off and gave them a quick spray of brushed silver spraypaint to match the knobs.

And voilà! A new (to us) dresser for a few hours of work and about $40.